Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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D'AWWW That is just too cute!!! Hahahaha!! Was it actually the "Just 5 more minutes" or did it end up longer than 10 minutes? Bwuahahah XD

nahh he did get up, before he's late for work LOL.. x3
nahh he did get up, before he's late for work LOL.. x3

LOOOL That's good!!! Hahahaha XD I'm always like that before work, I'll hit snooze on my alarm and just go back to sleep, and then when it's 15 minutes left before my shift starts, I hurry and get dressed, brush my teeth, then rush out LOL
Hehe thank you! >/v//< I will definitely take it easy! c: I've been laying in bed for the past 2 days hahaha XD

Aww!! I hope you get your energy back soon!! > v<b

XD Good!!! I'm just checking ;D I've had that happen before when you just get over being sick and you don't take it easy ;n; And you end up sick next week ( NOT FUN )

And thank you!!! I think it's because it feels like a weekend here.... I'm so lazy on weekends xD
And it's creepy how the sky is all white/gray no clouds it makes me think of the Truman Show
LOOOL That's good!!! Hahahaha XD I'm always like that before work, I'll hit snooze on my alarm and just go back to sleep, and then when it's 15 minutes left before my shift starts, I hurry and get dressed, brush my teeth, then rush out LOL

I know! that last minute rush ahaha, still it's worth it!! >:3
This girl is in one of my classes and I seriously don't want to her to be in my class because she thought I was insane because I'm transgender, also she got mad at me and said she didn't want me to be transgender ; w ;
XD Good!!! I'm just checking ;D I've had that happen before when you just get over being sick and you don't take it easy ;n; And you end up sick next week ( NOT FUN )

And thank you!!! I think it's because it feels like a weekend here.... I'm so lazy on weekends xD
And it's creepy how the sky is all white/gray no clouds it makes me think of the Truman Show
OH GOSH!!! That's definitely not fun!!! ; ___ ;

LOL I feel you!!! I'm always just taking it easy/being a lazy potato when it's a day off for me hahaha!! Oh I've never seen the Truman Show XD

I know! that last minute rush ahaha, still it's worth it!! >:3
DEFINITELY IS AHAHAHA <3 That extra sleep we get in man ;D

This girl is in one of my classes and I seriously don't want to her to be in my class because she thought I was insane because I'm transgender, also she got mad at me and said she didn't want me to be transgender ; w ;
If she's bullying you or if she's making you feel uncomfortable, I would say talk to your teacher about it c: Good luck! > v<b
If she's bullying you or if she's making you feel uncomfortable, I would say talk to your teacher about it c: Good luck! > v<b

She's not bulling me she just doesn't have much common sense ; w ;
I'm sorry if that was mean ; o ;

She's not bulling me she just doesn't have much common sense ; w ;
I'm sorry if that was mean ; o ;

You guys are still too young. I wouldn't blame her if she doesn't understand yet. Not only that, not many people are open minded or accepting of anything that's different from "normal".

Thanks for clearing up the bullying part, I wasn't sure if she was bullying you or not so that's why I added "or if she's making you feel uncomfortable". c:
You guys are still too young. I wouldn't blame her if she doesn't understand yet. Not only that, not many people are open minded or accepting of anything that's different from "normal".

Thanks for clearing up the bullying part, I wasn't sure if she was bullying you or not so that's why I added "or if she's making you feel uncomfortable". c:

She told me she understood but then she kinda just got all, rude ; w :

But on a side note I'm trying to open back up Team Cake > w <
She told me she understood but then she kinda just got all, rude ; w :

But on a side note I'm trying to open back up Team Cake > w <

Good luck with Team Cake! XD I thought Team Cake has been opened though! O:


There will be a big update soon! Look forward to it! c: I'm just waiting on Jacob to read through it! :D

✧ This will take place during future raffles (Any raffles after the one happening on Sunday!) Since a new rule will be added, after the raffle on Sunday we WILL be clearing out the raffle list once again. The rule we will be adding is to enter the future raffles from now on, you'll need to have a minimum post of 50 posts or more! (No spamming please. If I see you spamming I'll give you a warning via PM/VM/ or here). You must also have been active in the last 5 days on our TP thread!

1. Must have 50+ posts on this thread. (No spamming, you'll get a warning via PM if I see you spamming the thread.)
2. Must have been active in the last 5 days on this thread.

✧ To receive badges now, you must be a popsicle member and you must have 50+ posts on our thread! I would like to give out badges to our active members! Once you hit 50+ posts, please feel free to request for a badge! (Please be patient when requesting for one! c: )

1. Go to the Basement
2. Once you see our thread, Look to the right where it says "Replies/Reviews"
3. Then just click on the number of replies and a tab will pop up showing who has the most posts and how many posts each person has! c:

✧ After the weekly event and raffle ends, we will be hosting mini giveaways at random times!

✧ We will be adding a "Quests" section to the OP soon!~ Where you can win/receive GFX made by myself for free for finishing these fun little quests! You may also be able to win some collectibles/tbt!

✧ The weekly event will be ending tomorrow night! (Saturday at 8pm PST time!) Good luck to everyone! :D

✧ The raffle will be happening on Sunday at 1pm PST time! Please make sure to read the "News/Updates" as this raffle is a different kind of raffle! c:

✧ If you guys have any other questions, please feel free to ask!


✧ This will take place during future raffles (Any raffles after the one happening on Sunday!) Since a new rule will be added, after the raffle on Sunday we WILL be clearing out the raffle list once again. The rule we will be adding is to enter the future raffles from now on, you'll need to have a minimum post of 50 posts or more! (No spamming please. If I see you spamming I'll give you a warning via PM/VM/ or here). You must also have been active in the last 5 days on our TP thread!

1. Must have 50+ posts on this thread. (No spamming, you'll get a warning via PM if I see you spamming the thread.)
2. Must have been active in the last 5 days on this thread.

✧ To receive badges now, you must be a popsicle member and you must have 50+ posts on our thread! I would like to give out badges to our active members! Once you hit 50+ posts, please feel free to request for a badge! (Please be patient when requesting for one! c: )

1. Go to the Basement
2. Once you see our thread, Look to the right where it says "Replies/Reviews"
3. Then just click on the number of replies and a tab will pop up showing who has the most posts and how many posts each person has! c:

✧ After the weekly event and raffle ends, we will be hosting mini giveaways at random times!

✧ We will be adding a "Quests" section to the OP soon!~ Where you can win/receive GFX made by myself for free for finishing these fun little quests! You may also be able to win some collectibles/tbt!

✧ The weekly event will be ending tomorrow night! (Saturday at 8pm PST time!) Good luck to everyone! :D

✧ The raffle will be happening on Sunday at 1pm PST time! Please make sure to read the "News/Updates" as this raffle is a different kind of raffle! c:

✧ If you guys have any other questions, please feel free to ask!

I am the third top poster hehe...
Ha!!!! When we first started looking at most posts on peoyne's big giveaway thread, I was # 12. Now as I look on this one, I'm starting out at #12 again!!!! It's fate!!!
Ha!!!! When we first started looking at most posts on peoyne's big giveaway thread, I was # 12. Now as I look on this one, I'm starting out at #12 again!!!! It's fate!!!

I think i was number 5 for that giveaway, haha I posted on there a lot.
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Sorry I haven't been as active on here>.<
School hit me hard this week and its hard keeping up with so many posts in this thread!
But I aim to be more involved here!
If I have time next week I will work on cycling and donate some of the tbt to the thread for more fun activities!
Sorry I haven't been as active on here>.<
School hit me hard this week and its hard keeping up with so many posts in this thread!
But I aim to be more involved here!
If I have time next week I will work on cycling and donate some of the tbt to the thread for more fun activities!

No need to worry! School comes first; I start on Monday so I won't be as active on the forums...
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