TEG old thread. Close Please

Come on guys we still have one spot left
i promise u that your going to have so much fun
cant wait to start everything
so come on and join us
awesome thank you for joining us MasterM64
ill pm saure as soonest he gets online
thank you once again
This is now The Epona Group Official Thread!

Congrats to this growing group! Here are the members!

1.Suaure - President
2. Cooler - Vice President
3. crazygamer
4. boyobean
5. dinocar57
6. watercat8
7. tornado
8. crispysoup
9. IceZtar
10. Niall
11. andydrew42
12. lucyprettyskye
13. bud
14. acfreak
15. MasterM64

I will post all dates, events, and times on this thread, so make sure your on top of it!
tracking topic would be easier so dont forget to do that =] :D