Shop [Temp Closed] Etcetera Extras 🤍

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  1. TBT Bells
  2. Wishlist Items
Hi Snowesque :)

Pickup/Deliver: both are ok with me you can choose
Island: Oceana (My switch is in Nintendo for repair and using my partner switch at the moment so not same island name as my profile)
-Lifeguard Chair (Red) for Lifeguard Chair (Green)
-Lighthouse (Gray) for Lighthouse (Yellow)
-Playground Gym (Green) for Cotton-candy Stall (Black)
-Portable Toilet (Yellow-green) for Portable Toilet (Blue)

I need to order them and will receive only next day so if you are interested in trading let me know :) I will order them and I will let you know when I receive all items. Thank you so much.
Hi Snowesque :)

Pickup/Deliver: both are ok with me you can choose
Island: Oceana (My switch is in Nintendo for repair and using my partner switch at the moment so not same island name as my profile)
-Lifeguard Chair (Red) for Lifeguard Chair (Green)
-Lighthouse (Gray) for Lighthouse (Yellow)
-Playground Gym (Green) for Cotton-candy Stall (Black)
-Portable Toilet (Yellow-green) for Portable Toilet (Blue)

I need to order them and will receive only next day so if you are interested in trading let me know :) I will order them and I will let you know when I receive all items. Thank you so much.
Hey canary, sounds good. :) I'll have the items ready sometime today or tomorrow.
Hey canary, sounds good. :) I'll have the items ready sometime today or tomorrow.

Thank you. I will order all items tonight before I sleep. I will let you know when I have everything tomorrow:) thank you and talk to you soon again!
Pickup/Deliver: Pickup

Island: Komorebi

Buying: Park Clock (Brown) / Spring Ride-on (Brown)

Trading: (Lots of NM items on your wishlist, lol. I can list them if you want. I’ll be trading at least 5+ items.)
Hi again:) I got all items ready for trade. When you are available let me know. Thank you.
I'm online for today, ready whenever.
Pickup/Deliver: Pickup

Island: Komorebi

Buying: Park Clock (Brown) / Spring Ride-on (Brown)

Trading: (Lots of NM items on your wishlist, lol. I can list them if you want. I’ll be trading at least 5+ items.)
Just two of any I need is fine; I appreciate the generosity.
Pickup/Deliver: either!
Island: Belleval
Buying: DIY workbench diy
Trading: standard umbrella stand diy? :)
I'm online for today, ready whenever.

Just two of any I need is fine; I appreciate the generosity.
Hey! Sorry for the late reply! I’ll still give you the load I have + 2 of the Utility Posts (Blank). I always loved ordering from you with New Leaf, so I don’t mind donating. uwu
Sorry canary, I ended up falling asleep. I don't have work until Friday so it'll be easy for us to meet up now.
I'll be on typically 4am-7pm.

Ok. Thank you:) Sure when you are available again today let me know. Talk to you later.
@canary:), @kayleee -- Online for today if you're around.

Hey! Sorry for the late reply! I’ll still give you the load I have + 2 of the Utility Posts (Blank). I always loved ordering from you with New Leaf, so I don’t mind donating. uwu
Ah thanks I really appreciate it; I recognized the signature but I couldn't figure out were morino right away from the username haha. :)
I have the items ready for whenever you're ready.
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