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  1. TBT Bells
  2. Wishlist Items
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Seasonal DIYs
- water flooring
General DIYs
- log bed
- pear dress
General Unorderables
- cotton-candy stall; black
- lighthouse; yellow
- utility pole; no ads
Hello, the plushie is no longer available and I'll be using up my order slots.
If you're interested in waiting some days or so, I can see about ordering the benches.

That's fine with me. Let's make that five public benches then instead. I am okay to wait. I had to order mine as well anyway. :)
That's fine with me. Let's make that five public benches then instead. I am okay to wait. I had to order mine as well anyway. :)
Thank you, I'll have them ready tomorrow. :)
You're free to remove the modern wood wall diy and tourist telescope from the trade; what you've already listed is more than fair.
Thank you, I'll have them ready tomorrow. :)
You're free to remove the modern wood wall diy and tourist telescope from the trade; what you've already listed is more than fair.

You can still keep them! :) I haven't seen anyone else offering that public bench with that colour anyway. So I am fine offering more.
Great, what would you like for it? If you don't want anything I'd prefer that over the yellow lighthouse.
I don't really have anything in mind, so I can just give it to you for free. I already have tons of them. :)
Haha no worries, let me know if there's anything you'd like. I've gone ahead so any more NM items will have to wait till tomorrow.
Actually, can I get an additional gray lighthouse? I can order you the monster statue(black), parabolic antenna(green), playground gym(colorful, snack machine(black), and springy ride on (brown), but those will have to wait tomorrow. Would you be fine with this?
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