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  1. TBT Bells
  2. Wishlist Items
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General DIYs
- acoustic guitar
- bamboo sphere
- log decorative shelves
- mermaid wall clock
General Unorderables
- fireworks-show wall
- luna's bed
- mermaid princess dress; pink
- oasis flooring

I've updated my unorderables wishlist with mom's pen stands.
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Seasonal Unorderables
- fountain firework
- red balloon 2x
- tweeter
- uchiwa fan 3x
- yellow balloon 2x

Pickup/Deliver: Pickup, please!
Island: Moonfall
Buying: Pool (white), Cotton Candy Stall (pink), and Playground Gym (green)
Trading: Springy Ride-on (pink), Parabolic Antenna (plain)

If I'm trading for two of them, I believe the total TBT is 15? Just making sure. Thank you! :)

Pickup/Deliver: Pickup, please!
Island: Moonfall
Buying: Pool (white), Cotton Candy Stall (pink), and Playground Gym (green)
Trading: Springy Ride-on (pink), Parabolic Antenna (plain)

If I'm trading for two of them, I believe the total TBT is 15? Just making sure. Thank you! :)
Hello, yes! The items will be ready sometime today.
i would like to buy apple hat and pretty tulip wreath diys
Pickup/Deliver: delivered
Island: Altimira
Buying: lighthouse grey, pretty tulip wreath
Trading: lighthouse blue, purple winflower crown
i would like to buy apple hat and pretty tulip wreath diys
Hello, the total would be 30 TBT. If this is alright, please let me know. :)
Pickup/Deliver: delivered
Island: Altimira
Buying: lighthouse grey, pretty tulip wreath
Trading: lighthouse blue, purple winflower crown
Hello, the pretty tulip wreath DIY was requested right before. I'll find out soon if they're alright with the trade.
If you're fine with just trading the lighthouse; blue for the lighthouse; gray in the meantime, please let me know. :)
Hello, the total would be 30 TBT. If this is alright, please let me know. :)

Hello, the pretty tulip wreath DIY was requested right before. I'll find out soon if they're alright with the trade.
If you're fine with just trading the lighthouse; blue for the lighthouse; gray in the meantime, please let me know. :)
Sounds good to me! Ready if you are
yes 30 tbt is fine. my town or yours?
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Hello, the total would be 30 TBT. If this is alright, please let me know. :)

Hello, the pretty tulip wreath DIY was requested right before. I'll find out soon if they're alright with the trade.
If you're fine with just trading the lighthouse; blue for the lighthouse; gray in the meantime, please let me know. :)
yes 30 is fine. my town or yours
ok send me a dodo code when ready and ill send the tbt
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