Shop [Temp Closed] Etcetera Extras 🤍

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  1. TBT Bells
  2. Wishlist Items
Online 🤍

Seasonal DIYs
- leo sculpture
General DIYs
- bamboo wall decoration
- shell partition
Seasonal Unorderables
- star bopper
General Unorderables
- mermaid princess dress; light blue
Online 🤍

General DIYs
- fruit wreath

I've reduced all prices by 5 TBT aside from the hybrids.
Hey, I have the purple windflower crown DIY, could I trade it to you for the ironwood cupboard DIY? Thanks!
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edit: can I also get the pink cotton candy stand and the iron hanger stand DIY for my green & orange public bench and yellow spider doorplate? ty! :)
Hey, I have the purple windflower crown DIY, could I trade it to you for the ironwood cupboard DIY? Thanks!
edit: can I also get the pink cotton candy stand and the iron hanger stand DIY for my green & orange public bench and yellow spider doorplate? ty! :)

Hello, sure thing. I'll have the items ready sometime tomorrow. :)
Pickup/Deliver: pickup
Island: chalet
Buying: pastel playground gym, 4 brown park clocks
20 tbt?
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