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  1. TBT Bells
  2. Wishlist Items
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Ready order reminders... !

@Genji_lvr / 8/10 / Pickup / Xaymaca

- utility pole; with ads 8x
- streetlamp; brown
- teacup ride; colorful
- public bench; white
- pool; brown
- phone box; blue
- wind turbine; blue
- springy ride on; white
- modeling clay diy
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I have added the stone lion-dog DIY to my General DIY wishlist.
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i would like to buy the dark tulip wreath diy please
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General Unorderables
- iron garden bench; any color

Eventually I will start phasing in craftables into the shop once I have crafted them all once.
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General DIYs
- jail bars
- medium cardboard boxes
- mermaid dresser
- wooden bookshelf
Pickup/Deliver: Pickup
Island: Maplenut
Buying: Infused Water Dispenser DIY, Hanging Terrarium DIY
Trading: Lantern (Gold) Mom's Knapsack (Cherries)
Pickup/Deliver: Pickup
Island: Maplenut
Buying: Infused Water Dispenser DIY, Hanging Terrarium DIY
Trading: Lantern (Gold) Mom's Knapsack (Cherries)
Hello, sounds good! I will have a code ready in a few minutes if you are able to trade right now.

@MoogleKupo -- You order is ready for when you are available next!
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Pickup/Deliver: Pickup
Island: Felicity from Cerulean
Buying: 1 blue hyacinth, 6 purple mums, 2 purple tulips, 4 purple windflowers
Trading: 39 TBT
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