Giveaway Temporarily Cycling Villagers!

Why are you guys reserving villagers that she doesn't have? She wants to replace her nonbear cub villagers with bear cub villagers...

Because while she's cycling, there's a chance that these villagers may move into her town.
And since she's only looking for bear cub villagers, she will most likely try her best to give one of the new villagers to someone who really wants them * u *
Hope that makes sense !
Oh, okay. Sorry for mentioning, I just know it's hard to hold reservations in general (not everyone is online when you need them, etc).
Oh, okay. Sorry for mentioning, I just know it's hard to hold reservations in general (not everyone is online when you need them, etc).
It definitely is, especially when they're trying to hold a villager for someone else, but the other party isn't ready or whatnot ; u ;
It can be quite a frustrating process, but it's still really nice when people do it !
( I don't think there's a need to apologize though, it was a good question )

That's how I got Whitney and Pekoe * U *
ill love to reserve stitches!
edit: if hes taken ill reserve felicity ^^
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