Ten Facts About Your Town

1. Named after the pokemon town because of my love of Gengar
2. Started with Rizzo, Winnie, Kidd, Broffina, and Pierce
3. Native fruit is the Apple
4. Puck moved in and destroyed like half my trees because I made a small orchard
5. One more fashion check is needed before the store is completely upgraded
6. My mayor's name is Eve, which is my French name
7. Beautiful town ordinance whudupp
8. I want Genji because he matches Kabuki, and Pierce for Muffy
9. I'm planting as many pink flowers around Vladimir's house because it's hilarious
10. I want a chicken in my town forever because my job this entire summer was raising chickens <3

1. My town name is inspired by Lady Gaga. G.O.A.T. stand for a Government Owned Alien (space) Territory.
2. My first 5 villagers were Coach, Blanche, Papi, Static, and ...someone who probably wasn't important because I don't remember.
3. I bought Beau because I liked his design, and now he's grown to become one of my favorite villagers.
4. I got a bamboo from one of my villagers on the second in-game day. I didn't even get a bamboo in my original town!

I can't think of anything else v_v
1. Ed was the first villager to ever move out. I gave him a nice home~
2. Hans was given to me as a freebie, and now he's my fav villager in my town.
3. My first PWP is a streetlamp.
4. The top right area in my town is my favorite.
5. My native fruit is peaches, which look like butts dipped in cream (try to unsee that)
6. I always call my reset character Yump?♦ based on when Game Grumps played City Folk
7. I only plan letting 2 go of my original five villagers (Hugh and Alice)
8. I never got a campsite villager yet
9. The name Windset comes from when I was brainstorming ideas while looking at a town name generator.
10. My town ordinance is Rich Town
1. Made up the name Zingzang because I like the way it looks.
2. The simple, winding stone path is my own design.
3. Avery has asked to leave the most number of times. I always say "No."
4. Apollo and Marshal were campers who moved in.
5. Flowers are everywhere because I love flowers.
6. Gifts and patterns are available for the dream visitor.
7. PWPs celebrate natural resources and living with nature.
8. Zingzang has perfect town status.
9. Skinny, the mayor, drinks coffee at the cafe every day.
10. The villagers call Skinny a "pop star". (Heh.)
1. I named my town vate, means prophet... i wanted to make a horror town
2. most of my villagers are either rabbits or squirrels (4 rabbits 3 squirrels)
3. most of my villagers live on the left side of town
4. my town flag is dedicated to Rosie (my favorite villager in my old town, had to reset because of corrupted data)
5. i have a huge collection of pitfall seeds
10 Facts about Jerico :) Here we go...

01: Jerico is named after a TV show of the same name. Set in the town of Jerico Kansas, during which the nation was attacked; leaving the residents in a post-apocolyptic situation. (It was a really great show, its on Netflix.)
02: I live in Kansas. *que lol* ...
03: The two currently residing human residents, Mayor Ziggie, and (her sister) Shiftie, as well as the "currently planned human characters" of Jerico, were characters in a book I started writing but never finished. (It also had something to do with the end of the world...)
04: Jerico is actually, (perhaps a bit overly...) pink themed. (despite all that, ^^up there.)
05: Residents of Jerico, Gone and Present (* original): Peggy(G)*, Cousteau(P)*, Lilly(G)*, Rolf(G)*, Tipper(P), Peaches(P), Pippy(G), Filbert(P)*, Margie(P), Hippeaux(G), Mira(P), Rocket(G), Ozzy(P), Canbeara(P).
06: Jerico is set up on two main, through streets; one running East to West, the other North to South.
07: Our Native fruit is the Peach.
08: Our town flag is green and purple stripes, with four hearts. It stands for love, community, environment, and creativity.
09: Jerico is constantly evolving. Sometimes for a change I'll just go hack a section down and rebuild.
10: Jerico's campsite is located right off of the train plaza, with a green sigh pointing you in the right direction. A grass path winds you down a narrow path next to the river, to the campsite surrounded by trees. Guests welcome :)
1. Voorhees is named after Jason Voorhees from the Friday The 13th movies. :p
2. The native fruit is cherries.
3. The original 5 villagers are Blanche, Cranston, Deena, Hopper, and Pate.
4. None of my villagers have moved out yet.
5. The town flag is Jason Voorhees for obvious reasons.
6. My mayor character looks how I do in real life: red hair (ponytail w/ bangs), brown glasses, pale skin; still need to get my brown eyes, though!
7. My paths are all over the place, but they work for me, I guess.
8. The majority of my villagers are some kind of bird.
9. My favorite villager is Agnes. She is too cute! ^_^
10. Voorhees has the Beautiful Town ordinance.
10 Facts about Mokuzai
1. The name came from my friend's dog that passed away 'Mokuzai' (He called him that cause the dog loves to have walks in forest)
2. My town fruit is cherry, which I despise.
3. I resetted my old town, which had my fav Villager: Bam, and I got him again in this one.
4. Mokuzai has never had any canine villagers (Yet)
5. Mokuzai has never had a Snooty villager.
6. My town tune is based on 'Funky Town'
7. It has no photo-boards
8. I have a path with no borders around it
9. I have a path on the beach
10. My town has never had any weeds since the first day I started.
1. My town is HKville. I love Hello Kitty, so I thought HKville. c:
2. My town has over 200 pink roses and other pink hybrids.
3. I only have pink hybrids growing in my town.
4. I have 3 characters, my mayor Megan, and two other characters, Ange and Sakura.
5. I have paths laid around my town.
6. My town flag is of Hello Kitty.
7. Right next to my train station there is a Hello Kitty cut-out standee.
8. My town was made on my birthday, 22nd of June.
9. My towns tune is from Umineko no Naku Koro ni.
10. My native fruit is a Pear. c:​
Mayor Jennifer's Facts About La Belle

1. Residents are: Moe, Marshal, Maple, O'Hare, Kid Cat, Agent S, Whitney, Frank, Teddy, and Ava.
2. PWPs and mayor's house are works in progress c:
3. It is very pastel and girly, it also is fairytale themed.
4. Landscaping and designs are inspired by sinreiinfinity's blog, but it definitely has my personality to it as well.
(such a big fan of her town ><)
5. The mayor's nicknames are princess and j-honey.
6. The mayor's BFF's are Moe, Maple, and Frank (obtained pictures).
7. Past residents of La Belle: Sylvia, Truffles, Quillson, and Baabara.
8. Starting 5 villagers of La Belle: Moe, Maple, Teddy, Baabara, and Truffles.
9. La Belle has only had 2 visitors and 4 visitors through dream :c
10. La Belle has a lot of flowers and shrubs c: new ones are planted daily.
11. Town tune is from Sailor Moon c:
12. La Belle's native fruits are peaches.
13. I have the beautiful town ordinance set.
14. It is October in La Belle c:

Come visit us through dream sometime ~
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Facts about Oracle:

1.) The town name came from a world/large country that I've been building in my writing. It also ties in with my other hobby (and sometimes business) of reading the tarot and oracle. As far as a town name goes, I'm extremely happy with it.
2.) My starter villagers were Caroline, Chow, Biskit, Rosie, and Rory. Only Biskit remains.
3.) My villagers now are Ankha, Phoebe, Julian, Diana, Octavian, Victoria, Hans, Rodney, and Biskit. At this point Ankha, Phoebe, Julian, Diana, and Octavian are permanent. The others are being befriended until they decide to move and will then be traded or auctioned.
4.) My native fruit is peaches. I wanted apples SO BAD but at some point I just decided peaches or cherries are okay too.
5.) 90% of my flowers are on the beach right now while I'm re-vamping my town. And I only have 6 trees- one perfect peach tree and five cedar trees around my campsite. I want to finish landscaping before I put trees back in, so all the fruit I have is in baskets at the train station. The only fruit I don't have is apples, for whatever reason.
6.) I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of Gracie and her fashion checks.
7.) Oracle has a light fairy tale theme, at least within my house. I'm waiting for the fairy-tale PWPs to do the outside of the town as well (come ON Diana!)
8.) There is a spot reserved for the picnic blanket PWP. It's my favorite in the game and skjhfakshf I want it so bad!
9.) There are two other humans in my town- Levi, who is my toddler irl and holds my paths, and Madeline, who is just another female resident to dress up in cute qr codes and practice designing clothes and maybe hold flower pots or "gently used" paths for in front of buildings, sign posts, face board, etc. <3
10.) I still haven't changed the town tune or flag from default (town tune was changed 1 note and flag was changed to the rose design when I was getting my approval rating.... in the middle of July) because I can't design for my life, and I haven't found any online that I like.
1. My town's name is Magenta. I chose this because I wanted my town name to be unique, and I wanted it to not affect my theme for the town. Meaning, if I named it Tokyo I'd have to make it a Japanese theme, or if I named it Sweetvil and have to make it a sweets theme. Not that I'd have to, or that anyone would, I'm just saying it would make me feel obligated to make the theme of the town match the name. So I wanted something that could go with anything and everything. I decided to name my town a color. But I didn't want common colors like Blue, Green, Red, etc.. And thus, Magenta was born.
2. My dream villagers are all pink, as I want my town to be full of pink residents one day. Pink and black are my favorite colors, btw lololol.
3. I have 4 ponds. One to the left of Re-tail, one in front of the Train Station, a heart-shaped one by the south-beach, and a teardrop-shaped one to the left of the Town Hall. And I love them all, I know, most people want the least number of ponds they can get, but I like mine a lot.
4. Peaches are my native fruit.
5. All hybrids in my town are naturally grown and bred by myself. No tt-ing or duping or trading or buying or anything.
6. I built my house in the top right corner mainly because I'd have my own private beach. I plan on decorating it with flowers, stump-seats, palms, and gems/shells. Maybe I'll stick a funny pattern on it so visitors can see it when walking by my home.
7. My town was created on August 30th, 2013.
8. I don't do the Villager Placement trick. I just go onto my character and take whatever villager and location the game gives me, then I build off it.
9. My town doesn't have a specific-theme. It'll be sort of a hodgepodge of PWP's and such when I start designing it. This is because I'm doing whatever I feel is right, and I'm building any PWP's I really like. I'm not closing my mind to a specific theme, is what I'm trying to say. No strict Fairytale, Japanese, Modern, Sweets, Kawaii, etc.. Just me. lol.
10. I'm going to make the top of my town (the land north of the river) a really wonderful, grande entrance. There will be a welcome sign, hybrids, a pretty pathway, and other very welcoming PWP's. I think this will work very well, considering the rest of my town is so big and has so much land space.
10 Facts you didn't know about Keizaal:

  1. [*=1]
    The name Keizaal means Skyrim in dragon tongue,

    The honourable lord Mayor is a Beloved Leader, A-Class Gardener, Decorating Guru and Master Architect all in one awesome package!

    Keizaal is is world famous for its apples, when cured of his undead curse, Captain Barbossa immediately set sail for Keizaal to savour the best apples he ever tasted!

    The town flag is of the dragon symbol for the Imperial Legion, because Stormcloaks are racist morons.

    All the villagers who live in Keizaal stay of their own free will, and not because they are forced into staying by the Honourable Lord Mayor.

    The overall theme of Keizaal is a rather pleasant "Modern meets Nature in Harmonious Harmony".

    Deep within the tropical side of town lies an ancient stone tablet, legend has it that if you kiss it then give it a big ol' hug, you look stupid!

    Keizaal is the source of all balloon presents. Pietro, the happy clown sheep, moved deep in the cedar forest of Keizaal, right next to Retail. He works diligently with Cyrus to construct his balloon creations and spreads the joy all across the world via Balloons.

    The Stonehenge that lies on the cliff just beyond the town hall is over 10,000 years old! It was built by a nasty tribe of evil chipmunks and used it to store all their food for the Winter months. The problem was that they took all the villagers food leaving the populace of Keizaal to starve. Having enough of going to bed starving every night the villagers hatched a plan... that leads to the next fact...

    [*=1|left]The Moai Statue. It was the result of the Villagers revolting to kick their evil chipmunks oppressors out of town. You see, the plan was to spread a rumour. The rumour was that; when the citizens of Keizaal go bed with empty bellies on the dawn of a new year, a giant stone human will arise from the ground to squash all those responsible. The Chipmunk Chieftain dismissed these rumours and carried along with hoarding all the food in the land. Then one day, on the final night on the year, the villagers got together to construct the Giant Stone Human. They miraculously managed to build it over night and so they all awaited in their homes for the break of dawn, when the Chipmunks would awake. And they awoke, saw the giant stone human and fled, but not across land, no, they jumped straight into the raging sea in fear of the Stone Man and swam south, never to be seen again. The villagers celebrated and feasted for days on the Chipmunk Tribes stores, and set the Stonehenge ablaze leaving only the stone foundations. And that's why we celebrate the new year!
Slightly Fabricated!
Ten facts about Roade:
1: Starters were Wolfgang, Hamlet, Portia, Kitt and Pudge
2: Hamlet, portia and kitt still remain but kitt's leaving on the 7th!
3: Fruit was oranges (which I wasn't happy about but I had a great selection of start villagers
4: My town hall is under my plaza
5: Roade has it's own private beach
6: My two least favourite villagers (cherry and tucker) live all on their own at the bottom of the map
7: Me and Mira live on our own private island (Kitt also lives there but she's leaving :()
8: My campsite is right near the town hall
9: My town is named after a lovely village I visited when I was 4 and so have my wild world/ let's go to the city been named this
10: I made my path
10 Random Facts About Acornia

1. I named if after the Acorn from the series logo.
2. Acornia's residents are LVXIII, Marcie, Pinky, Chief, Hippeux, Hugh, Jeremiah, Amelia, Samson, Cyrano and Pashmina.
3. Acornia has no private beach and only 1 pond.
4. Acornia's layout was chosen to maximize river length. (It was also the last option :p)
5. The only neighbour ever to move (and I kinda miss her) is Frita. She moved in 4 days after I started the game and left a
month or two later. (Pashmina however can go at any time.)
6. Acornia's Native fruit is Cherries but we now grow almost everything.
7. Acornia actually has quite a few public works projects but most of them are shops & upgrades.
8. There's an awesome Kitty Stump!
9. Acornia is happening on the Shopping front as only the Fortune Teller & Final Nooklings upgrades are left.
10. Acornia is a Canadian Town. (So we get all the NA only events.)
1 - my town is called Madina after the band Madina Lake.
2 - my native fruit is cherries.
3 - I started with Kiki, Moe, Purrl, Elvis and Peck - I only have Purrl left.
4 - my favourite villager at the moment is Chrissy.
5 - my least favourite villager is Mott.
6 - I only have one pond in my town.
7 - there are only 4 pwp in my town - another bridge, the campsite, illuminated clock and a fountain.
8 - I get bored easily, so Madina is a town in which I TT.
9 - 3 past villagers from Madina have gone to new homes.
10 - I got Punchy, Ankha and Timbre from the campsite ^_^
1. Starters were Hamlet, Erik, Tom, Merry, Peaches
2. Peaches moved out in June and still haven't gotten a normal to replace her.
3. Matoki I got from the kpop group B.A.P. and the town flag is the matoki character (based off a design I did for an irl knit project)
4. Town tune is the Sailor Moon theme.
5. There is a private beach.
6. The mayor is (and will probably stay) the only human in town.
7. Have a mostly zen theme around town. And my house is set to harmonious (except for the basement which I tried to make like a real basement with laundry area, mismashed stuff, etc)
8. Only need the fortune teller for Main Street to be complete.
9. I don't start hating a villager if they put their house in a not so good spot. I can work around it or wait till they move if it's a spot I want for a pwp.
10. Saw the silver axe once and only bought one because I didn't realize it could break. Haven't seen one since :/
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1. The word Steren, which is the name of my town, translates to 'Star' in Cornish; the flag is also a spin on the Cornish flag.
2. I have never gotten a Perfect Fruit or seen the Silver Axe in the Island Shop.
3. I got a Purple Rose once, but the next day, it was killed when someone moved in right on top of it. Luckily, I have two more since then.
4. I have two snooty villagers and two peppy villagers. The rest fit into the other personality types.
5. I only have one peach tree that is still growing; I planted it only two days ago after Flip sent it to me in a letter.
6. I have two special tree stumps, both found with the normal axe. One is of a normal non-cedar tree that has a butterfly on it, and the other is of a cedar tree and has a clover on it.
7. My town tune is the Minuet of Forest from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I found fitting, considering my town is quite nature orientated.
8. Only two of my original villagers have moved out; I let them go just for the sake of having some variety.
9. My town is heavily covered in flowers. Although to my surprise, they have helped in restoring the grass.
10. I have three bridges; one is a suspension and the other two are cobblestone, I built them just so I wouldn't have to walk so far to get to my house or Re-tail.
1. My town's name is Moonvale. It's not all that unique, but I like it.
2. My town tune is the Song of Storms from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. It's my favorite song from the series and it sounds good as a town tune.
3. Almost all my hybrids are orange. Only a couple are pink, and I don't have any other colors.
4. I have tons of flowers. I have a huge flower garden/park, and my house is surrounded by flowers.
5. I have the beautiful ordinance.
6. I have three bridges. The original cobblestone one, a brick one, and a suspension one.
7. I have had 4 villagers move out.
8. The town fruit is peaches. I always wanted them as my town fruit.
9. I have a complete fossil collection in my museum, and a lot of things in the other exhibits.
10. I have all the shops except for the fortune teller and I need one last upgrade to get T&T Emporium.
1. Due to the excessive amounts of bamboo trees, hot springs, and zen bells located in the upper left corner of Pacaland, as a resident, I have dubbed this section: Chinatown, Pacaland.
2. There is barely any grass left in Pacaland, it all disappeared from July 31th to August 1st.
3. Despite being called Pacaland, the only two alpacas are Reese & Cyrus.
4. Isabelle holds no control of Pacaland... just kidding.
5. Due to the beautiful town ordinance, not only have none of our black roses have wilted. There is an overpopulation of floral creatures roaming the streets of Pacaland. An average of 4 rogue flowers are killed by a silver shovel.
6. There is a heart stump located nearby both the mayor's house and the town square. This stump cannot go.
7. No more Jacob's ladders want to bloom anymore. :(
8. Every single fruit has been cultivated in Pacaland, even before T&T Emporium arrived.
9. Many of the residents prefer the south-east side of town. Cookie Kwan must've scared them away from the west side...
10. Pacaland was made in a movie theater: we were watching "The Internship".