Ten Facts About Your Town

1. My town's name is Skyvale.
2. My town tune is a song from a Pokemon movie.
3. I want to make a second character and make their house into the Mystery Shack from Gravity Falls.
4. I am never letting Flurry, Walker, or Cookie move out.
5. I do, however, really want Alli to move out.
6. I always update the dream of my town at some point during 7 PM, even if it means time traveling by a few hours, as not only is the 7 PM music is one of my favorites in the game, but I prefer nighttime to daytime.
7. My first public works project I ever built was a fountain, which I put directly in front of my house.
8. My town fruit is cherries and perfect cherries, though I have all of the others as well.
9. I keep waiting and waiting for someone to request the fairytale bridge, but nobody wants it. D:
10. Skyvale is the first town I've had in any Animal Crossing game where I've gotten perfect town status, Jacob's ladder flowers, and gold roses.
10 Facts About Oppo!
1. The origin of Oppo's name goes way back to the Gamecube game, years and years ago. It's tradition. I suppose this would be Oppo IV!

2. I needed 20 pattern slots to complete the paths in my town. But, by golly, I'm pleased as punch with how it looks.

3. I have every fruit tree growing in my town.

4. My starters were Bunnie, Apollo, Nan, Robin and Iggly. After the first week I just sort of...let Bunnie leave. Would've given her to someone if I knew how well liked she was at the time.

5. Currently, I have 3 Jacob's Ladders. Considering I've never had a perfect town in any AC game before NL, this is blowing my mind (thank you beautiful ordinance!).

6. My town fruit is pears. I ate my only perfect pear the second day I had this game and haven't seen one since.

7. Currently, my town hall and main house are built in the Zen theme. I'm contemplating switching to the gold exteriors once they unlock but the Zen just looks so peaceful. I remember when the game first came out and none of the sites online had Zen listed as an exterior possibility...

8. I almost committed mass-grass-genocide by TTing so often; the sole surviving patch is being carefully flowered and tended to, and I think I'll have to avoid TTing for the next 5 decades.

9. At one point, 6 out of the 9 residents in my town was some species of bird.

10. I've been on stuck on Super T&T for like 3 months which is super lame.
1. The town name is Vesalius
2. The town theme is zen
3. The original 5 villagers were Chester, Rory, Broffina, T-Bone, and Caroline
4. The town fruit is oranges
5. The town is covered in paths
6. The current villagers are Gala, Apollo, Olaf, Rory, Chester, Broffina, T-Bone, Caroline, Patty, and Deena
7. The current set ordinance is Beautiful Town
8. The town has been able to maintain perfect status for over a month
9. The only flowers in town are all lilies and either black, pink, or white
10. The town's beach is facing west