Terraforming ideas!

Lowkey scared of the map 'designs' and shapes people will make if you get what I mean, but its definitely my most anticipated feature, if not almost overwhelming, considering I prefer landscaping to house design.
A literal oasis, complete with waterfall.

A cemetery on a cliff.
You could dig a huge pit, fill it with pitfall seeds and fence it off once you've pushed all of the villagers into it. Kinda like a prison! :)

I was also thinking of building up huge walls around villagers homes that I want to move out muahahahaha

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Lowkey scared of the map 'designs' and shapes people will make if you get what I mean, but its definitely my most anticipated feature, if not almost overwhelming, considering I prefer landscaping to house design.

People would find a way regardless so I wont be surprised when I see a certain shape in someones map :p
Lowkey scared of the map 'designs' and shapes people will make if you get what I mean, but its definitely my most anticipated feature, if not almost overwhelming, considering I prefer landscaping to house design.

if you only play with friends and people you trust from various online communities the only time you may see questionable landscaping choices is on memes or joke posts.
I had this idea too to put my house on the third layer of the town and create some sort of kingdom

same!!! I love the idea of having my house high up surrounded by waterfalls and a mote. The only way up/down is winding stairs that go to a bridge c: I'm happy we can relocate our house to fit any new ideas we have.
Will probably place my house on top of a cliff if that?s allowed. Peaceful & secluded. Then, when I want to I can go directly into the chaos of the island?s main street itself. :p
Decided to try and draw my own map idea ; u;....
Not sure if it would work at this size, may need to make it bigger to fit all of those villager homes or put them somewhere else but!!! I think this would be a fun project! The pink would be my player house, yellow is villager homes, and purple are shops! blue is water and orange are stairs. c:
Of course we dont know how many shops or villagers we can have... or exactly how big this map will be.. but!!! I like coming up with ideas :p


  • Gardenia map idea!.jpg
    Gardenia map idea!.jpg
    8.6 KB · Views: 181
I am in LOVE with all of the terraforming features. However! I am wondering how tall we can make our islands. Can there be a large mountain with a water fall by building up layers then adding water? I think it would be so cool to have an island that is one giant winding mountain that ends at a shrine! Or maybe make a volcano! We could theoretically also make a doughnut island that has a giant lake in the middle.

I'm thinking the max hight may be 5 or 6 layers

What ideas do you have for terraforming based on the direct? Do you think we we have limitations/what do you think those would be?

Someone posted this in a discord group I'm in!!!!
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Do you think drawing with the terrain options will be a popular trend? I know I really want to try it out!

Someone is going to make a dick.

I wonder how the water flow will happen.

I?m just waiting for the inevitable towns modeled after LoZ maps.

You just gave me inspiration for a Termina themed town.
Decided to try and draw my own map idea ; u;....
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Not sure if it would work at this size, may need to make it bigger to fit all of those villager homes or put them somewhere else but!!! I think this would be a fun project! The pink would be my player house, yellow is villager homes, and purple are shops! blue is water and orange are stairs. c:
Of course we dont know how many shops or villagers we can have... or exactly how big this map will be.. but!!! I like coming up with ideas :p

That would be super cute! I can't wait to see the dream suite options with this level of customization.
I'm going to have so much fun with designing my island! An idea that I have is to have a bamboo forest with cliffs around them and maybe a little seating spot for relaxation :blush: I wonder if we could put bridges connecting cliffs together, I think that would look really nice and to be able to walk underneath it!!
I'm going to have so much fun with designing my island! An idea that I have is to have a bamboo forest with cliffs around them and maybe a little seating spot for relaxation :blush: I wonder if we could put bridges connecting cliffs together, I think that would look really nice and to be able to walk underneath it!!

I bet that is just something we won't know until we try it! I'm wondering that too.
I swear there are going be some kind of limitations or "catch" that prevents us from having the most fun with terraforming, but we'll see. I sure help there isn't.
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Terraforming feels like a literal AC game changer to me. Theres so many possibilities with decoration now it's INSANE. I plan on making multiple sketches of a town layout before the game comes out, I wanna meticulously plan out my island to look so cool.
I swear there are going be some kind of limitations or "catch" that prevents us from having the most fun with terraforming, but we'll see. I sure help there isn't.

I've been thinking about this and I would be surprised if they are. For instance, I thought that maybe they wouldn't let people completely block up the river. Why? They could always put it back or they could use a mystery tour to go to a random island and catch river fish. There will probably be a limit somewhere, but I bet the limit won't be what we are expecting (for good or for bad).
i def wanna do star and heart shaped ponds <3 and probably make the river good looking haha
im not so creative and i still have to see what else you can do c:
I am going to assume there will be limitations, like being unable to change where the river meets the ocean. The two you get will be the two you're stuck with so it's something to consider when choosing a map. I doubt they will let you get rid of water entirely as well. I'm skeptical if we can even close rivers off at this point. All we have seen, that I am aware of, is making a river one tile wide and jumping over the gap without a vaulting pole.

I think it's also a safe bet to say there will be three tiers maximum. There might even be a limit to terraforming, making it impossible to entirely flatten your island out, for example.

But I am not going to complain. I was shocked when they showed terraforming and it has my hype levels up to new highs, even if there are limitations! I would rather keep my expectations on a realistic level and be pleasantly surprised if it turns I'm wrong. :)

P.S. I can totally see design drawing with water becoming a thing, haha.