That one villager you couldn't function without...?

Nan! I've had her in every town since WW, and she's the only villager in New Horizons I used an amiibo to bring in. I can't imagine any game without her.
gaston, always. ive had him in every ac game ive ever played, and even as a kid, whenever he moved out (if i missed a few days or wasnt able to check in) i'd just stop playing for a while ngrgnrjgnkr its happened every single time!
ive finally caved this time around and just ordered his amiibo card. now hes finally here on my island and im jst happy to have him back again - animal crossing isnt the same without him.
My "must have," who I have yet to acquire, is Whitney. I just love her design to death, and I also tend to like snooty villagers. Snooty and cranky are my top two personality types. But out of the villagers I do have, I have a handful I like and don't see myself parting with any time soon. Static, Pecan, Tia, Sherb, Bangle, Melba, and Dobie are all here to stay. Even if some of them may not have been my top choice villagers, I've gotten used to them and don't think my island would feel the same if any of them left.
Katt and Zucker are my babies. I'll protect them at all costs. <3
honestly for me its dobie! its so weird bc i never expected to like him so much! ever since i got his welcome amiibo card and moved him into my nl town there was just something about him that i was smittened with. i think the fact that hes a literal grandpa who loves books gets me. (plus wolves are my fav animal irl)
i wish i could have his neighbor w. link
u _ u oh well ill wish for an update
Bea for sure! I went out of my way to get an amiibo card of her so she'd be my neighbor, I love her to pieces. And also Megan, she popped up as one of my first new villagers (I almost dropped my drink when I saw the sign, she was the new villager I wanted the most!) she's a total sweetheart to me. I feel like she's not as popular as some of the other new ones, but I love her all the same. <3
Bunnie and Mint! They're my alltime favs.
Right now it’s Bea, she’s always awake with me early in the mornings and I feel like she’s always crafting cool things.
I also recently got Diana which I’m super pumped about because I had her in my New Leaf town and I loved her in it. Honestly she’s still so adorable! I always catch her on the beach reading and I love how adorable she looks in her big circle reading glasses
Wolfgang for sure!
He was the first villager I ever really bonded with? Like first villager i ever really felt a connection with..
I love him SO MUCH, I still need him on my island, but hopefully I can find him soon, he is my favorite grumpy old man. 💕
Mine's definitly Biskit. Had him as one of my first few in New Leaf and he's still in my old town. Gonna move him onto the island once I remove Roscoe (he took Biskit's spot).
It's Bluebear for me. Literally in new leaf I accidentally TT'd her out of my village and I went nuts and cycled through all 16 villagers just to get her back. There is no way I would leave my girl like that.

She's an essential and having her back again in this game makes me so happy. She's just so happy to see you, I can't hate her.

Unexpected villagers I grew to like was Kidd and Coco. Never had them before but once I saw them hanging out around my island I couldn't let them go.
Julian! Hesperides would be so much less colorful without his antics. I'm also finding that Skye is fast becoming one of my best friends ever since finding her on an island.
I'm not taking the change so well.

In all seriousness, for New Horizons it has to be Boots. He's not my biggest dreamie, but he's so silly and his design always cheers me up. He's a must-have for every game I play with him in it. I have his amiibo card thankfully.
So I share this around the boards a lot, but, in a twist of fate mine has, somehow, become Lyman.

Boy howdy get ready for a story folks.

In real life, I just really don't like Koalas. I watched a documentary on them and their biology and evolution frustrated me to no end, they have little spots on themselves that purposely smell horrendous but not to protect themselves from predators but rather to attract other koalas who actually like the putrid scent, they don't keep growing their teeth like other marsupials despite their diet consisting of the very thing that wears them down more than any other plant they could've possibly evolved to eat instead would, they're brains are minuscule (not that a small brain ever accounted for anything but in their case it just, wrecks their survival rates greatly on top of everything else) and generally, I think up close, they're just not as cute as people think they are, I just, am personally eternally frustrated by Koalas. (Not that this means I want them gone, I donated to several foundations looking to save them during the difficult time they had this year, they annoy me but they still deserve a fighting chance for sharing our world; I digress)

When I showed up on my island and he was the first thing I saw standing next to Reneigh I threw my head back and laughed aloud to myself, I thought it was hilarious that the one person who does not like koalas or find them adorable in any way got the koala villager, and I told myself that first thing I was going to find a way to get him out of there.

... but then...

He was the first villager ever to naruto run through the plaza, the first villager I've ever witnessed doing this thing I'd never seen happen up until that point.

Then he gave me my first reaction, and then offered me medicine when I was stung by the wasps I somehow stupidly forgot existed in this world, and then me shouting "Lymaaaaan," became a meme between my friends and I every time after I saw him doing something unique or silly I'd never seen any other villager do up until that point.

I put his house at the edge of the beach as far from mine as I could at the time to spite him, and now, he's the only villager that still remains where I first put him, but not because I still intend to keep him at bay, but because it keeps him the closest to my house, and keeps him as the one villager with the prettiest view.

He has become so ridiculously dear to me, it makes me mad, just yesterday Midge told me he wasn't feeling well and I rushed, not to my house to grab weeds and make him a remedy, but to Timmy and Tommy's to BUY him a remedy.

I love this little idiot, I don't know what I'd be feeling if he ever moved out.

Recently I returned to this site and my old signature was still present from New Leaf, and, under secondary dreamies was Lyman's name.
I can't imagine what I was thinking back then to have him as a part of it, I have no idea what it was that made me like him back then, but, I guess you could say, maybe him being one of the first villagers on my island was somehow destiny, maybe he knew somehow that I was searching for him long ago, and wanted to remind me that I could still find it in myself to love him as much as I apparently did back then when I added him to a list that had very few on it.

All I am certain of currently, is that he was just the light I needed in these somewhat dark times.
I definitely couldn't picture my island without him.
I couldn't function.

Right now for me, it's Dom. He is so sweet whenever we talk and he literally lights up my day with how he acts. He is always running around and his dopey little smile when he waters flowers. I love all of my villagers on my island, but Dom just stands out to me (especially as someone who never has liked jocks in AC)!
god, probably all my villagers tbh. i get attached so easily so i ended up treasuring all of mine even though i could kick em out for more visually appealing villagers. if i had to choose though, it'd be marshal and Raymond. i lost marshal to glitch alr and i could barely get myself to play without seeing him on the island ><
Lily, tbh idk how I fell in love with her in the first place but here we are. She moved in on my village in NL once, I really liked her when she arrived and got attached to her until she became my favorite villager, I deleted that town tho which is sad but yeah I'm currently replaying NL as I don't have a copy of NH yet but once I get my copy of NH I will definitely look for her on mystery island tours and invite her in...

Close second is Beau since he's just so adorable with his sleepy eyes and lazy personality, so precious.
Alice has always been my all time favorite and BFF back in WW, but in NH Audie is my girl. She’s just so sweet, never thought I’d get attached, but ever since I found her on my first island I fell in love!

I sorta ship the two now, they visit and sit near each other a lot. :3d
i plan to cycle through different villagers so i wont get "bored" with a permanent set of villagers, but i'll definitely seek out genji and make him stay forever h e h e

i love his design, name, and he's honestly the only jock design i like :/ besides kevin i guess