Coach. Sure he’s not the most attractive villager, but ya know he’s so sweet. When I got him has a move in from someone’s queue in NL i was a little disturbed. However as time passed he really grew on me and then I was stoked to see he followed me to NH as one of my starters! He gives the sweetest gifts and is just really interested in keeping you healthy which i appreciate. He’s such a sweet man cow. I love him!
I came here to say the same! In fact, I think I've seen him mentioned on other posts like this before, lol. There's something about that dude!
When I was looking for a new jock after moving out Sheldon (my OG Jock- he's cute, just not really my "type") I was low on NMTs and on my last few when I found Coach on an island. My first thought, literally, was "UGH I want a cute jock not some ugly bull!" But I was desperate, so I moved him in. His house ended up looking really nice on my island, and he just... IDK, he just fit in super well. He quickly grew on me and I ended up really loving him. His design grew on me, too, and now I think he's quite cute- he's got great colors, an endearingly sweet face, and adorable stubble. I made up a story in my head that he was a retired coach, who moved to my island to enjoy retirement, but just couldn't shake his whole "coach" vibe (or even nickname) because that's just who he was deep down! He also ended up being my first villager birthday, and I used Harv's island for the first time to get a birthday pic:
It's SO basic and empty compared to my recent pics, but I love it, lol. I ended up moving him out eventually, but he was my resident jock for those first few months, and I still smile whenever I see him!