the 10 villager limit is starting to bother me

I think there is probably room for two more plots perhaps. If it went any higher than twelve I think there would be problems with running out of space. Now... what would be great is if we could get visitors to the island that actually did stuff and not just stayed in the tent. It would be so nice to see a random villager exploring the island. What would be even nicer still would be being able to invite villagers to visit by talking to them on another persons island! It needn't affect their island at all, the villager could be in two places at once, but it would allow us to invite a villager we want to wander the island for the day!

Also Jam... did you get Pinky atfer our discussion about Pandas in the that cranky thread a week or so ago? :love:
I think there is probably room for two more plots perhaps. If it went any higher than twelve I think there would be problems with running out of space. Now... what would be great is if we could get visitors to the island that actually did stuff and not just stayed in the tent. It would be so nice to see a random villager exploring the island. What would be even nicer still would be being able to invite villagers to visit by talking to them on another persons island! It needn't affect their island at all, the villager could be in two places at once, but it would allow us to invite a villager we want to wander the island for the day!

Also Jam... did you get Pinky atfer our discussion about Pandas in the that cranky thread a week or so ago? :love:
haha yes i got all pandas, pinky was the first to arrive on my island though 💕

also i'd love that, like we could scan amiibos and it would say:
what would u like to do?
- invite to campsite
- visit ur island

and u can invite 1 to the campsite, but then u can scan 3 different amiibos to visit and wander around 😍
haha yes i got all pandas, pinky was the first to arrive on my island though 💕

also i'd love that, like we could scan amiibos and it would say:
what would u like to do?
- invite to campsite
- visit ur island

and u can invite 1 to the campsite, but then u can scan 3 different amiibos to visit and wander around 😍
That would be a cool option, and would encourage rotating villagers because it gives more exposure to other villagers. I wonder if Nintendo would be up for that after the amiibo cards for the new villagers exist. Who knows maybe they will add the option for a couple of more villagers after the amiibo cards are ready and readily available. It would encourage amiibo sales... Just me being hopeful here
Yeah I agree with you on that! I have villagers I love and don't want to kick them off. I think 12 villagers would be a good amount.
I so wish I could even have one more villager. I'd totally find the room somewhere if they did! I would love if in the future they offered some sort of nook mile or buyable expansion to get another move-in plot. That way it doesn't impact the folks who think 10 is enough and have no more space. Make it kind of how they approached the storage expansion, buy it if you want it but nothing changes if you don't.
I feel like 10 is mostly fine, because as said, there's only 8 personality types. Having 12+ animals on the island just makes it all the more apparent how lacking the dialogue cycling can be.

That said, the islands are set up to accommodate 18 player and animal houses combined, so there's really no reason why they shouldn't give players the choice of how to fill those 18 houses. If someone wants to build 17 animal houses and give up the ability to add a second human player, they should be able to. Though thinking about it, since the player is decided when you pick the profile on the Switch home menu, maybe there'd be issues with preventing secondary profiles from starting the game.
The thing that’s been really nagging me is when you are moving in a villager from the campsite and already have ten villagers and they say something among the lines of “Oh, I have good news and bad news. The bad news is that Resident Services said I can’t move here. There’s no more room for any more houses.

First off, especially if you don’t have an island with a lot of decoration, there is PLENTY more room! Heck, villagers can live on the BEACH in this game, so there’s always more room if we are talking about actual physical space instead of game limitations.

Second off, even if I have ten villagers and myself living in my island, at any point I can add seven more profiles and have each one build a house. While there isn’t any room for villager houses, you’re telling me that there is still room for SEVEN more houses that have the potential to be double, even triple the size of villager houses on the outside?

While I can’t really complain about the limit in any of the other games except Wild World (which is okay because towns in Wild World are small) the fact that New Horizons brings so many new features including terraforming and the option to have eighteen houses on your island and they still have the villager limit at ten frustrates me.
I think 12 would've been perfect for me! It would save me so much agony over which villager to pick for each personality 😭. Right now, if we can only have 2 doubles if we have 1 of each personality type. I think having 4 would be great because that's doubles of half the personality types and you get a chance for having 2 different sub-types of 4 different personalities so that much of a better chance for new dialog.
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I'm fine with 10 being the max as it's more than enough as is. I'm wishing they let us demolish 2 of our 10 villager homes to drop back to 8.

The island is very small, especially for being on the Switch hardware. There is no easy way to set up the villagers on the island unless you cram them together and/or not give them any kind of yard. Cramming things together is just not my cup of tea for town development. I like open landscapes with room to roam and explore. Having everything crammed together makes the town feel even smaller and confined. Even having a naighboorhood right now with a little room for tiny yards feels bad because now about 30% or more of my map is just used to store houses. On top of that, the campsite takes up a good chunk along with all the other buildings. Roaming your island doesn't feel like Animal Crossing anymore

I'm thinking of tearing down my first town these next few weeks and I think I will be taking tips from City Folk since they fit 10 villagers + shops and museum in without making the town feel cramped. And they include all 4 player houses whether you want them or not.

ETA: If I recall correctly, Nintendo's official Island doesn't even use 10 villagers. It's as if even they realize that 10 villagers limits your ability to have beautiful islands.
I could do with two more villager plots so I could have a couple more residents who just didn't make the final 10 cut. They won't add any more plots though, so oh well. I'll just have those others as residents in the next game or something.
I ignore them all mostly, because they constantly dump items on me after asking if I want the item, and me saying NO.

It pisses me off, so when they come up to me, I shut the game off.

I'm just a walking trash can to them.
Yeah, this grinds my gears, NGL. I get they want to be nice and give us free stuff and all, but still. It's just bothersome. >_<
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I'm fine with 10 being the max as it's more than enough as is. I'm wishing they let us demolish 2 of our 10 villager homes to drop back to 8.

The island is very small, especially for being on the Switch hardware. There is no easy way to set up the villagers on the island unless you cram them together and/or not give them any kind of yard. Cramming things together is just not my cup of tea for town development. I like open landscapes with room to roam and explore. Having everything crammed together makes the town feel even smaller and confined. Even having a naighboorhood right now with a little room for tiny yards feels bad because now about 30% or more of my map is just used to store houses. On top of that, the campsite takes up a good chunk along with all the other buildings. Roaming your island doesn't feel like Animal Crossing anymore

I'm thinking of tearing down my first town these next few weeks and I think I will be taking tips from City Folk since they fit 10 villagers + shops and museum in without making the town feel cramped. And they include all 4 player houses whether you want them or not.

ETA: If I recall correctly, Nintendo's official Island doesn't even use 10 villagers. It's as if even they realize that 10 villagers limits your ability to have beautiful islands.
yeah nintendo needs to let everyone have the ability to either add or remove villagers

but also to be fair, my island is fully decorated, i have 10 villagers, 4 houses, i have more than enough room for more houses and it doesn't feel crowded
plus it looks really nice...

so i wouldn't mind a few more villagers, but i understand why others would rather keep 10 or have even less tbh
while villagers are super cute, they can be pretty annoying
I want like 15, but first we'd need an island expansion, I'm running out of space to decorate.
I honestly would like more animal villagers. I probably won't add anymore playable characters (maybe 1) - and if we can have 8 (I think it's 8 right?) of those, then why can't we have a couple more animal villagers?

I do wish it would be more customizable for everyone. I think there should be a minimum - IE the 8 that is currently required. But it'd be nice to demo houses, like if you have 10 but decide you want 9. For folks like us that want 12-15 though, it'd be really rad if we could sacrifice those player character slots to add more animal villagers. It's overwhelming to think of all the villagers I'll never get to have!

I doubt they'll change it though, definitely too deep in the code. I wonder if they'll ever change it in future versions of the game - although it seems like they are really digging on 10 lately.
tbh any villager i move out i could get back at anytime because of my crazy amiibo collection, but moving them in is just such a hassle because we gotta invite them 3 times and build them a bunch of stuff that requires a ridiculous amount of materials

it would just be easier to have the option to build a few more plots
(or demolish if others want less villagers)
i agree, there's so many cute villager designs but only 10 spots. i feel like 15 should be the maximum allowed or something (like the gamecube game), and just make it optional to have that many. i'd rather have room for more cute villagers than decorate every single inch of the island tbh
I agree too. Maybe 15 would be too much for me as I find the island way to small lmao but 12 would be perfect !
i wish we could go to 15 like in the original game, i feel like i would be satisfied with 15

if it could be optional that would be cool, like if not only you could add more plots but take plots away, that way everyone could have the amount of villagers they want
I hated the ten villager limit back in New Leaf and the fact that they carried the limit over to New Horizons is kind of insulting to me. I guess maybe they thought that 10 was the perfect amount? wild world had 8 and city folk had 10, so they've basically stuck w that this whole time.

but AC:GCN had 15 villagers and I honestly think that THAT is the perfect amount. I would love to be able to add 5 more villagers to my island, there are quite a few I still really want but have no room for.

perhaps in a future update you could buy a permit to allow for more housing on the island? that would be heckin cool.

They really need to have the limit optional.

I'd be much happier with four villagers.
building on what I said, maybe with the permit you can tell them how many villagers you would like, and you can increase or decrease the number as you wish :)