The ACNH Rant Thread

That's great news!

Yep, you are also guaranteed to see Redd biweekly now.

not sure if this is the right thread to put this in but i waited for four hours to sell turnips on turnip exchange and the island owner shut down right before i got to sell them :( i bought more than usual bc i had a big chance of a large spike but i ended up fluctuating with a high of 188 and i really wanted to get rid of them today but i guess not
not sure if this is the right thread to put this in but i waited for four hours to sell turnips on turnip exchange and the island owner shut down right before i got to sell them :( i bought more than usual bc i had a big chance of a large spike but i ended up fluctuating with a high of 188 and i really wanted to get rid of them today but i guess not
Why did they shut down the island? I don't know anything about the stalk market but reading stuff like this makes me not want to get into it lol
Why did they shut down the island? I don't know anything about the stalk market but reading stuff like this makes me not want to get into it lol

That could have many reasons! Maybe the host had to leave, maybe the store closed, or maybe the time hit mid-day (at which point the price would have changed). It would have been nice of the host to drop their queued visitors a message though explaining that they were about to close/had to close the queue
The bank interest is worthless. It's less than my real life savings account makes, and worse so, it seems to cap out at 9,999... Gee thanks Nintendo. 30 days for 9,999 bells, that's such a great deal 🙄
Legit, they might as well remove it.
That could have many reasons! Maybe the host had to leave, maybe the store closed, or maybe the time hit mid-day (at which point the price would have changed). It would have been nice of the host to drop their queued visitors a message though explaining that they were about to close/had to close the queue
Oh I see, thanks. Yeah, the host should really let people know when they're about to be booted out. If I had waited hours for that I would have been SO mad.
I'm really upset about my short dock. Also I told tex to leave and now I have cyrano.. not happy about it..
Oh I see, thanks. Yeah, the host should really let people know when they're about to be booted out. If I had waited hours for that I would have been SO mad.

They usually do! And even better is to close the queue when you know you will have to end it soon, so you can let the last few people in and end with an empty queue and no disappointed people. Though obviously that's a little hard to do with a queue that's 4 hours long...
Cause: "I know exactly how the game works in this aspect because this is what happens in my ~extensive~ experience, so anyone who doesn't experience this is wrong"

Effect: "This perfectly normal thing happened that wasn't what I expected to happen because people said it shouldn't happen, is this a glitch"

I think I'm just more frustrated with humanity than I am with the game
For some reason, I’m not as hooked as I was in New Leaf. There are so many bugs and there’s a lack of content and furniture. I’m hoping for better updates in the future, but I don’t play everyday anymore 😭 (even if diving was added)
I have been island hopping for Reneigh (my last villager) for a few days now and was noticing a lack of horses suddenly, in addition to the usual poor randomisation. So I decided to keep track of species. I just went through 100 tickets and found ONE horse in the last few. I'm over 300 tickets by now. THE DESIRE SENSOR IS REAL!

And no, I don't want to trade for her. I found all my villagers on these islands and intend to find her too.
Annoyed with how repetitive villager dialogue is and I kinda want more furniture sets. Like NL and Pocket Camp. I want the Sanrio furniture too because I was so obsessed with it in NL
For some reason, I’m not as hooked as I was in New Leaf. There are so many bugs and there’s a lack of content and furniture. I’m hoping for better updates in the future, but I don’t play everyday anymore 😭 (even if diving was added)
Not sure if you mean number of bugs in the Critterpedia or spawn rates but if I run a lap around my town I'll probably hear 100 "bug buzzing away" sounds 😂 I think since New Leaf either the spawn rates for tree bugs has been raised or how flighty they are. Or I could just be imagining things...

And I only really go in the store now to sell things. I'm not even a month in but all my furniture colours are just so ugly to me that I think I need to get my stuff from balloons 😕 I pray for Cyrus to come back and make my furniture look decent!
Not sure if you mean number of bugs in the Critterpedia or spawn rates but if I run a lap around my town I'll probably hear 100 "bug buzzing away" sounds 😂 I think since New Leaf either the spawn rates for tree bugs has been raised or how flighty they are. Or I could just be imagining things...

And I only really go in the store now to sell things. I'm not even a month in but all my furniture colours are just so ugly to me that I think I need to get my stuff from balloons 😕 I pray for Cyrus to come back and make my furniture look decent!
If I even think about catching a bug, it flies away.
If I even think about catching a bug, it flies away.
The rarity/sensitivity of some bugs is completely out of proportion to their value too! Drone beetles and blue weevils are worth like nothing, yet drone beetles are occasional while blue weevils show up, like, never. I've probably seen more cyclommatus stags than I've seen blue weevils
They ruined Sterling’s house going from NL to NH. In NL he had an amazing ballroom! It was what introduced me to Lucky KK (I love anything Celtic) and it helped me make my own castle themed rooms. Now it’s a drab jail that plays KK Dirge. It doesn’t fit Sterling at all. It makes me want him to have the bland starter house. I love the character (though I hate the butchered jock dialogue) but his house is awful now
Blanche's house is glitched and now she has a permanent ugly crafting bench that's there even when she isn't crafting. That brings the total bugs I've experienced since the last update up to three! It's extremely frustrating.
The bugs are way too sensitive!!!! I have 3 beetles left and I’ve seen all of them but I can’t catch them because they fly away so fast on me
The rarity/sensitivity of some bugs is completely out of proportion to their value too! Drone beetles and blue weevils are worth like nothing, yet drone beetles are occasional while blue weevils show up, like, never. I've probably seen more cyclommatus stags than I've seen blue weevils
This!!! For ages I thought Blue Weevils were super expensive because they were the rarest spawning bug for me and I was so happy every time I caught one. Then I found out it's worth 800 bells 😑