Legendary Something or Other
"bUt ThErE iS AuToSaVe NoW!!!!1!!1!1"Why can’t we save & continue anymore?
i wish so much for save & continue. T^T
"bUt ThErE iS AuToSaVe NoW!!!!1!!1!1"Why can’t we save & continue anymore?
Get rid of Isabelle's announcements. They're just dialogue I got to button mash to get through. She doesn't announce anything worthwhile. I've had all the visitors on the Residential Services area, the roamers (CJ, Flick, Saharah, ect) and now Redd (again after his first visit) Guess which she announced?
None of them. They need to make a patch where she starts talking about the visitors and stuff going on. The missing sock, favorite show, and facetime with parents was kind of cool the first time, but now that it's on repeat I don't care. You can like Isabelle, but don't make the case that her announcements are necessary when they just eat up time before we can play.
I'm just lucky I mindlessly wandered to where Redd was to realize he was here.
She announces meteor showers too, at least for me--I've heard some people say she doesn't for them and I have no clue why that is. But yeah I don't get why she doesn't announce visitorsI agree that she should announce at least roaming villagers like CJ, Flick, and Saharah. But, she does tell you when you have a camper in your campsite.
Isabelle is supposed to tell you that either the sky is in for a rare treat of shooting stars or that the sky is currently full of shooting stars depending on the time of day, and always does without fail for me, but some people say she doesn't and I have no clue why... They happen on random nights and are usually (apparently not always for some reason) accompanied by Celeste roaming around. And they last from 7 PM to 4 AM I believe. You'll know you have one because you can hear little twinkling sounds when shooting stars pass by, and you can look up at the sky and press A (if you make sure you're not holding a tool!) to wish on them. I hope that answers all your questions!I wouldn't know if she announces those or not since I have yet to see one. It's not like I know when and where to look. How long do they last? Is it like 1 random hour in the night?
She announces meteor showers too, at least for me--I've heard some people say she doesn't for them and I have no clue why that is. But yeah I don't get why she doesn't announce visitorsI kinda also wish she did full weather reports like saying it's gonna be rainy later, clear all day, there's a thunderstorm right now, etc.
Oof I've had Celeste 4 times or more and have yet to see or hear shooting stars. I just got bad luck.Isabelle is supposed to tell you that either the sky is in for a rare treat of shooting stars or that the sky is currently full of shooting stars depending on the time of day, and always does without fail for me, but some people say she doesn't and I have no clue why... They happen on random nights and are usually (apparently not always for some reason) accompanied by Celeste roaming around. And they last from 7 PM to 4 AM I believe. You'll know you have one because you can hear little twinkling sounds when shooting stars pass by, and you can look up at the sky and press A (if you make sure you're not holding a tool!) to wish on them. I hope that answers all your questions!
I was shocked when she announced campsite visitors! At least her announcements are not completely useless but i agree that she should announce other visitors since there is no police station yet.Get rid of Isabelle's announcements. They're just dialogue I got to button mash to get through. She doesn't announce anything worthwhile. I've had all the visitors on the Residential Services area, the roamers (CJ, Flick, Saharah, ect) and now Redd (again after his first visit) Guess which she announced?
None of them. They need to make a patch where she starts talking about the visitors and stuff going on. The missing sock, favorite show, and facetime with parents was kind of cool the first time, but now that it's on repeat I don't care. You can like Isabelle, but don't make the case that her announcements are necessary when they just eat up time before we can play.
I'm just lucky I mindlessly wandered to where Redd was to realize he was here.
His voice is the most grating in the game. I miss how gyroids used to soundLloid is the literal worst. I will never again make the mistake of not having enough money to pay off a bridge/incline all in one go just to minimize how much I hear that squealing.
I know you're just venting but you might be interested in knowing that the odds sure aren't 1/397! The game rolls for a species first, giving each one an equal chance of 1/35 and then picks a villager of that species, so if you want Marina, Zucker, or Octavian you've got a great shot at getting them. If the game keeps rolling for cows you're probably gonna keep seeing the same cow a lot. if you're lucky enough to pass the 1/35 roll for a cat and then it'si am FURIOUS i just wasted almost 50 nook miles tickets looking for diana, beau, marshal, and bob and you know what i found instead? ugly villagers. every single island. and duplicates. i didn't even run into their species like?? what is this rng... the only decent villager i ran into was sherbi regret passing him up now
the thing that irritated me the most were the duplicates. i run into an unwanted villager once, fine. but a second and third time?????? i swear at least half of the villagers i ran into were duplicates. there are 397 different villagers... literally what are the odds