The ACNH Rant Thread

So I restarted Wild World because I wanted to see some different villagers, and so I’ve been playing it lately. And wow, I just realized how right you guys are for the first time. It’s one thing if you haven’t played WW in years, but playing WW and NH back to back, it suddenly becomes super-clear which game has the more compelling and quirky dialogue between the two.

Wild World villagers are actually entertaining to talk to just for the sake of talking to. In New Horizons, talking to your villagers almost feels like a chore!

I still love New Horizons to death and unlike (seemingly) most people here, I actually adore the game and would always choose it over Wild World generally. I mean, come on. Animal Crossing has progressed amazingly. But in the villager personality department, Wild World actually wins. Despite having 6 separate personalities instead of 8, it feels like it has tons more character.

Adding onto this, I had Savannah in my Wild World town, and until I looked it up, I had no idea she was a Normal personality because unlike the Normals in NL/NH, she wasn’t a total robot and said fun things now and again! I actually thought she was peppy because I thought “no way would a Normal type be this interesting...”

Strangely, Normal is my 3rd favorite personality in NH following Peppy and Lazy. It just shows how much character the other personality types lost as well...

So IMO, the villagers were the best in Wild World. In the GameCube game they were too mean and turned me away from them... but in Wild World they’re just perfect! (I haven’t really played City Folk much but I assume it is similar to Wild World in terms of dialogue.)
yeah I have a few ;;v;;
It's weird that popping balloons in a flower field makes it disappear. Same thing with shaking fruit trees

also I'd love more furniture options like chandeliers!

lastly, we need more buildings/shops ;u;
I feel like there's only so many "outdoor shops" you can make, especially with the amount of furniture in this game
Bridges with their weird gap irk me, as I can’t place/plant anything near or in front them.

basically looking like this:


or for a better picture
It’s now been 3 weeks without seeing Flick (I haven’t got Leif yet this week so I know he’s my visitor tomorrow). Pls.....butterfly models........
1) I don't like how the smugs are in this game, I like them better in New Leaf.

2) I'm trying to make a Japanese style town (not just some Zen garden or whatever) and I hate how we can't customize the Resident services building like we could with the Town Hall back in New Leaf.
So it sticks out like a sore thumb.
Somehow I don't remember the catalog in NL requiring me to hold the analog stick down for 20 seconds just to get to something close to the end of the alphabet. I guess it wants me to just use the search for everything now?

But then you can't search your DIYs, so when I'm trying to find all the new recipes I've gotten and it puts me close to the bottom of the everything tab... hhhhh. I never remember what subcategories a lot of DIYs are in, so I default to the everything tab just to be able to find them and I don't want to add 50 things to my favorites when it's for a one-time use
I really want to know why we were able to come so far and make so many improvements, only to end up with a game that has many glaringly obvious issues as well.

All our villagers are cute and HD, but talking to them is almost painful because I guess the devs thought this tiny amount of dialogue was enough, despite it being a complaint in previous entries. I can't blame the writers because they're doing as they're told and were probably given a target amount of dialogues to write up, but at the same time, this is one area where there has been no improvement over past games - it's actually gotten worse, because now it's not only a small pool of possible things the villagers can say, it's also much more bland.

And the constant repeating of things we already know, like the explanations of every single option at the airport - why can't this trigger like, once a week even? Once a month? Or if a player hasn't started ACNH in a month or two and potentially forgot, it could trigger then. Anything but what it is right now.

Meanwhile, we can terraform, but it can take literal hours of time because you're forced to do it one square at a time and you often have to "act" on the same square twice because there's no button dedicated to differentiating between rounding off cliffs/ground versus obliterating them. It's bad design, period. If anyone tried to use this feature for an extended period of time during playtesting, they would have noticed this. A future update to make construction easier would be great, but it shouldn't have been put out with one-by-one as the only option.

There are tons of other things, too. We can see multiple clothing options in the Able Sisters' shop but have to exit and re-enter the dressing room repeatedly if we want to make multiple purchases. Not being able to store DIYs. The mail limit. The time it takes to print NMTs. This thread is over 100 pages long for a reason.

I'm just so annoyed with how every game that comes out recently seems to be in the same boat - it's pretty, but lacking substance. They can do better than this.
i just want my frozen treat diy. i don't care about the other frozen diys. gimme that sweet ice cream furniture please

and F these snowfolk beauty standards, so what if i made your head a lil too big???? edit: and by a lil too big, i mean the tiniest fraction too big
I really wish they would add some new hair colors and hair styles. Like, seriously? No light brown? The lightest shade of brown they have is like that auburn color, which is wayyy too dark. There’s no white colored hair or any other dark hair colors besides brown/black, no dark green, no dark blue, just light pastel colors. Nothing wrong with that imo, but it still bothers me. A lot of other hairstyles didn’t make it to New Horizons that I miss from New Leaf and previous games shown below:

I really miss the hair color and hairstyle of the last one on the second row, it was my New Leaf mayor’s go-to look. 😕
I really hope that New Horizons updates their color palette and hairstyles in the future.
I hate how there's no freaking furniture series besides like 5, maybe. NL and PC (especially, PC) have beautiful furniture. Everyone makes jokes about people's ironwood kitchens, but that's one of the only options for a modern looking kitchen! Where's the mermaid series? Where's the chess set? Why can't we have Pocket Camp furniture WHYYY

Also: WuH oH! LoOkS LiKe We'Re GeTtInG InTeRfErEncE is just inexcusable for a game in 2020. It takes over 15 minutes for people just to show up in groups
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1) shut up about bugs in your house shut up about bugs in your house
2) most cliche complaint but i really don't like the tools breaking, it sucked in zelda, it sucks in this, it's going to suck in paper mario, let me fish for hours in the middle of the night unbothered
I'm a little pissed at updates removing things and/or messing with spawn rates.

This is my offline, fully paid for game.

This isn't Pocket Camp where they can edit the way the game is played as they see fit.

I paid for a game that apparently had a hybrid island and I never even got to see it.

They had no right to mess with a fully released game that way, unless it's patching a glitch.
URGH I'm so annoyed with the "original, ungifted only" thing that's going on at the moment...
My island is the only one I have, it's not dedicated to cycling and as I only have villagers I chose to have by now I certainly do not want do refrain from giving them gifts from time to time, but the fact that it makes it so much harder for my villagers to get adopted once they move out makes me super sad...
I get that you don't want to have a muscle suit runway on your island but most people gift appropriate gifts and if you give them clothes yourself they'll probably stop wearing the old ones anyway...
I really don't understand the whole "original" thing anyway... It's no fun to me to have a villager always wearing the same exact thing... I love finding stuff that suit them or their home 😢

I do hope Nintendo makes the complaining to Isabelle function permanent (not just for one day...) so it stops being such a big deal whether people give things to their villagers or not...

Also please no one take this as a personal attack on their playstyle, although I don't quite understand it I respect it I'm just upset rn because I hate voiding my villagers and I'm afraid I'll have to now because none of them are "original" and no one wants the less popular ones if they're not...