I need help I downloaded this and registered to play tonight's trivia session and I haven't gotten any email and have no way to find belltrees channel in it I am not very techs I did it just for this please help me app is downloaded on my iPad I don't know what to do from here I registered an account now I'm lost how to connect to the tbt room for trivia and all...
Ok I got the channel see the message but it wants me to verify my account to join I never got an email and if anyone can help on settings I may need to adjust as a new starter please any help appreciated before start time
I'm sure someone might go asking, but yes Discord is experiencing issues at the moment. You may be unable to connect to the Bell Tree Discord server for a little bit. You can check the status of Discord here: https://status.discordapp.com/
Suggestions (if this is the right place to add it...if not, sorry! can't find the other thread)
1) Add Aethex for easier modding (can ban by IP, prune messages from certain users, etc) and also music streaming if you guys ever get around to adding a voice channel. It's more efficient than IRC imo.
2) Add custom AC emojis to the server. The cap is 50. You can have some general ones like the apple / tree / whatever, and also have ones added through contests here like how the collectibles are added. It's very easy to add and I'm sure a mod knows how to do it.