The Bell Tree Games 3: -ANNOUNCEMENTS-

As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.

Jacob lawall, ducky luv, and riummi start fighting, but ducky luv runs away as Jacob lawall kills riummi.

ArcticFox5 stays at the cornucopia for resources.

pokedude729 runs away from the Cornucopia.

CommanderLeah Shepard runs away from the Cornucopia.

Justin runs away from the Cornucopia.

Prof Gallows runs away from the Cornucopia.

Konata rips a mace out of happinessdelight 's hands.

Jetix runs away from the Cornucopia.

Bellsprout runs away from the Cornucopia.

MissLily123 runs away from the Cornucopia.

Kaiaa runs away from the Cornucopia.

Jeremy retrieves a trident from inside the cornucopia.

JonDoesAThing runs away from the Cornucopia.

misstayleigh and The Peanut Butter Fish fight for a bag. misstayleigh gives up and retreats.

TheCreeper Hugz takes a handful of throwing knives.

Applecracker runs away from the Cornucopia.

Hikari runs away from the Cornucopia.

Apollo runs away from the Cornucopia.

Tina runs away from the Cornucopia.

R-Cookies runs away from the Cornucopia.
TheCreeper Hugz tends to Hikari's wounds.

JonDoesAThing, Jacob lawall, Justin, and ArcticFox5 hunt for other tributes.

R-Cookies is pricked by thorns while picking berries.

Kaiaa collects fruit from a tree.

MissLily123 constructs a shack.

Bellsprout and ducky luv work together for the day.

Konata diverts pokedude729's attention and runs away.

Prof Gallows makes a slingshot.

Apollo receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

misstayleigh runs away from happinessdelight .

Jeremy searches for firewood.

Applecracker stalks CommanderLeah Shepard.

Tina collects fruit from a tree.

The Peanut Butter Fish travels to higher ground.

Jetix discovers a river.
1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.

District 6

See everyone's status. VOTE

Proceed. VOTE

Tina, Hikari, and R-Cookies cheerfully sing songs together.

happinessdelight begs for Bellsprout to kill her. She refuses, keeping happinessdelight alive.

MissLily123 defeats The Peanut Butter Fish in a fight, but spares her life.

CommanderLeah Shepard quietly hums.

TheCreeper Hugz and Prof Gallows tell stories about themselves to each other.

Apollo loses sight of where she is.

Applecracker receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

ArcticFox5 cries herself to sleep.

Kaiaa climbs a tree to rest.

Jacob lawall sees a fire, but stays hidden.

Jetix, Jeremy , pokedude729, JonDoesAThing, and ducky luv sleep in shifts.

Konata questions her sanity.

Justin and misstayleigh talk about the tributes still alive.
Apollo receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Hikari searches for a water source.

Applecracker tries to spear fish with a trident.

The Peanut Butter Fish makes a slingshot.

ArcticFox5 sprains her ankle while running away from CommanderLeah Shepard.

ducky luv discovers a cave.

Jeremy questions her sanity.

JonDoesAThing runs away from Prof Gallows.

Justin begs for Bellsprout to kill her. She refuses, keeping Justin alive.

misstayleigh picks flowers.

Jacob lawall overhears Tina and Konata talking in the distance.

Kaiaa diverts MissLily123's attention and runs away.

TheCreeper Hugz throws a knife into happinessdelight 's chest.

Jetix makes a slingshot.

R-Cookies searches for firewood.

pokedude729 questions her sanity.
1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.

District 4

See everyone's status. VOTE

Proceed. VOTE

Applecracker and pokedude729 run into each other and decide to truce for the night.

ArcticFox5 and Bellsprout hold hands.

R-Cookies defeats MissLily123 in a fight, but spares her life.

CommanderLeah Shepard, Justin, and Kaiaa sleep in shifts.

ducky luv thinks about winning.

The Peanut Butter Fish tries to sing herself to sleep.

Konata tries to treat her infection.

Jacob lawall tends to her wounds.

JonDoesAThing tends to her wounds.

Prof Gallows passes out from exhaustion.

Apollo thinks about winning.

TheCreeper Hugz tries to sing herself to sleep.

Tina, Jeremy , and misstayleigh sleep in shifts.

Hikari receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Jetix receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
Tina runs away from MissLily123.

Jeremy explores the arena.

Prof Gallows steals from Jetix while she isn't looking.

Justin collects fruit from a tree.

ArcticFox5 and misstayleigh split up to search for resources.

ducky luv is pricked by thorns while picking berries.

Konata receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Applecracker, Apollo, The Peanut Butter Fish, CommanderLeah Shepard, and Hikari hunt for other tributes.

R-Cookies throws a knife into JonDoesAThing's chest.

pokedude729 discovers a river.

Kaiaa discovers a river.

Jacob lawall sprains her ankle while running away from Bellsprout.

TheCreeper Hugz explores the arena.
The arena turns pitch black and nobody can see a thing.

Applecracker survives.

Hikari finds and kills Konata, who was making too much noise.

Tina finds and kills Justin, who was making too much noise.

CommanderLeah Shepard survives.

pokedude729 survives.

ducky luv survives.

misstayleigh survives.

The Peanut Butter Fish accidently makes contact with spiny, lethal plant life.

MissLily123 survives.

TheCreeper Hugz survives.

Kaiaa survives.

ArcticFox5 survives.

Prof Gallows accidently makes contact with spiny, lethal plant life.

Jacob lawall survives.

Apollo survives.

R-Cookies survives.

While fighting, Jeremy and Bellsprout lose their balance, roll down a jagged hillside, and die.

Jetix survives.
7 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

District 9

District 12

District 10

The Peanut Butter Fish
District 8

Prof Gallows
District 12

District 10

District 2
Hikari and Jetix hold hands.

MissLily123 is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.

pokedude729 receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

ArcticFox5, Tina, and R-Cookies get into a fight. R-Cookies triumphantly kills them both.

Apollo begs for Applecracker to kill her. She refuses, keeping Apollo alive.

Kaiaa, TheCreeper Hugz, and misstayleigh discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.

Jacob lawall tends to CommanderLeah Shepard's wounds.

ducky luv quietly hums.
Jacob lawall receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

R-Cookies injures herself.

TheCreeper Hugz explores the arena.

Hikari explores the arena.

Apollo constructs a shack.

Jetix stalks CommanderLeah Shepard.

misstayleigh injures herself.

ducky luv constructs a shack.

Kaiaa makes a wooden spear.

pokedude729 stalks MissLily123.

Applecracker questions her sanity.
ya ikr xD

I put all of you members as woman because i was in a hurry.

2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

District 1

District 11
Applecracker sets up camp for the night.

R-Cookies and misstayleigh tell stories about themselves to each other.

Kaiaa, TheCreeper Hugz, and Jetix discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.

Hikari receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

CommanderLeah Shepard tends to Apollo's wounds.

Jacob lawall looks at the night sky.

pokedude729 sets up camp for the night.

ducky luv loses sight of where she is.

MissLily123 tries to sing herself to sleep.
R-Cookies defeats pokedude729 in a fight, but spares her life.

Applecracker searches for firewood.

Hikari sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.

CommanderLeah Shepard tries to sleep through the entire day.

misstayleigh begs for Jetix to kill her. She refuses, keeping misstayleigh alive.

ducky luv constructs a shack.

Apollo searches for firewood.

Jacob lawall runs away from TheCreeper Hugz.

Kaiaa makes a wooden spear.

MissLily123 receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.