Very very nice set of eyebrows. I approve 100%. I love his particular shade of green and cream! It reminds me of a matcha roll cake filled with whipped cream, yummy.
Great pictures of my number one villager @Nenya ! Always love to see Buck living life on other islands!
Wednesday, December 21, 2022
Buck and I doing a little late Christmas shopping last night. He was looking at the gift guide and I was ordering online. I just hope Wilbur can deliver the gifts to Hazzard in time!
I would love to hear your thoughts on my Buck room over on Harv's Island! Too much or not enough? I really, really wanted to show my appreciation for my bestie Buck!
King Buck and Queen Jenny of Hazzard!
A change of outfit...
When I saw this coat in the Able Sisters, I think last week, I immediately thought of Del Boy from 'Only Fools and Horses', so naturally had to dress Buck up as a market trader!
Del 'Buck' Boy!
An angle to let you see the back and tail of beautiful Buck!
and finally, a selfie of ...erm?... you've guessed it, Buck!!!!!
I've been looking through my screenshots of ACNH at the beginning of my journey and I've been thinking about calling everyone pardner here to be as cool as Buck. What does everyone think, should I start calling everyone pardner at least for a while, or wait until 4th April to celebrate Buck's birthday?
Howdy pardners! I was over at Buck's house with a mini fridge to give him, but Buck decided he would sit down and read his fitness magazine! Although I had to wait, I spent the time wisely getting a few more screenshots to add to my growing collection of my number one villager, Buck!!!!!
Think I'll need to get him a sofa, so there is space for me beside him!
Now, the next two pictures may seem the same, but they aren't, note the placement of the toy cars!
Ooh, a close up!
Buck always tells me to make myself at home, so I had a lie down while waiting!