The Buck Appreciation Stable!

Friday, July 28, 2023

I was just going for a bath when Buck came for a visit...

Buck, is such a gentlehorse that he had the end with the taps. :oops:

After our his bath, we had a chat about workouts.

Any other villager usually brings a boring item of clothing, but not Buck, as always he's looking out for my health and brought me a lovely perfect pear. 🍐

Feel free Buck, my home is your home. (Do you think if I asked Tom Nook he would evict Buck, and he would need to move in with me?)

Just keeping up with my healthy image, Buck. Buck left a few bite marks in it.

Aw, that's so cute Buck. Please be careful you don't choke on the stuffing. I'll give you back your pear to eat.
Wednesday, August 2, 2023
I always walk around at night in the hopes of bumping into you, Buck. I need you, Buck to protect me from the Night Clowns I keep hearing about from lazy villagers. :eek:

Buck loves Christmas so much that he wore his Christmas tree jumper in the middle of summer! I thought I would get a nice photo of us, then I realized Buck had blinked...

Then, of course to follow suit, I blinked...

Finally, I got a photo of us together, should I ship us? Juck? Benny? :)

Buck liked the idea of shipping us, but we've still to decide on a name.
If you ever visit Sapphire and need some help finding your way around, don't bother with the map. Just ask Sapphire's resident Tour Guide, Brainy Buck! He's very good, you can get around the island twice as quick, as Buck makes visitors jog.
Buck: Walking? What's walking?

Buck on the lookout for insects during the summer Bug Off. Buck, if only I could share my bugs with you, I would. Buck's probably glad if he doesn't catch any, as he doesn't need to face Freaky Flick. :eek: How cute does he look in his straw hat? :love:

Buck's determination pose to catch that Emperor Butterfly! Come on, Buck! You can do it! (I don't particularly like my Tropical turban, but it was a gift from a certain villager, so it would be rude not to wear it!)
I got New Leaf last year, so obviously I had to scan Buck in with Wisp's lamp! I'll be honest I've not played New Leaf much, I think I'll need to try and get back into it! 🐴
Buck and I - New Leaf.JPG

Buck and I sharing a kiss side view of each other. :cool:
Sunday, June 12, 2022

Before anyone says anything it was NOT Buck's flea, it was an escaped bug from Flick's Artisanal Bug Cage after the Bug Off. Flick should really keep his bugs under control. I told Flick he was banned. ;)

Poor Buck. It really broke my heart to get my net out...

After a quick flick, Buck didn't hold it against me...

Buck asked me not to ban Flick from the island, as he didn't want to ruin it for the other residents as they enjoyed the Bug Off so much, so I decided to lift Flick's ban ... the next time I see Flick I'm going to flick a flea on him. :giggle:
Sunday, November 13, 2022

Buck tells me about Daisy Mae...

Watch out Buck, you better not use them as dumbbells or they will rot!

Monday, November 14, 2022

No explanation for this one, just a random screenshot of my beloved Buck! :love:
Buck has finally made his way back to Serenity. I have missed him since he left kinda regretted letting him go.

He asked for three items in return for coming back.

He is now unpacking . I sent him some homemade pull apart bread as a welcome back.
Thursday, November 3, 2022

Yes, Buck, a lovely swinging bench for both of us to sit on!

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

This is dedication at the highest peak, Buck out in the snow exercising. Nothing will stop that fitness guru! I didn't get involved, I told Buck I had an injury, he promised me a massage after. It has been rumoured Tom Nook has asked Buck to become Head of Security at Hazzard Resident Services. Apparently, Isabelle has had complaints from several residents about a certain villager having an obsession with another islander...:unsure: Buck doesn't seem to know anything about it, he loves attention...

Sunday, March 13, 2022

This was over on Happy Home Paradise, I was so relieved when Buck came back to Hazzard, I thought he had moved there!
This has to be one of my favourite Buff Buck sayings! :cool:
We welcomed Buck to Serenity with a pizza party

One of his first stops was to Ables
A pizza party was a lovely idea to welcome Buck! I love to see love photos of Buck on other islands! I hope you bought him something from the Able Sisters! ;)
He will be getting a new sweater in the mail. Since he’s only been here a few days and I can’t hand deliver gifts yet. Even only being here a few days he’s already been helpful by taking care of his friends , letting me know one of them wasn’t feeling well.


On Saturday, April 15th, 2023 at 4:29 PM, I met Buck for the first time. I was doing island construction at the time, so moving villagers in was a definite no-go. I could've had Buck help me out, though. He seems fit to lift things, don't you think?

Buck Visits.jpg
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
I've looked all over for Buck on Hazzard and finally found him in the Museum sheltering from the cold weather. If Blathers ever tries to throw Buck out, I will be complaining to the head honcho T. Nook about his treatment of Hazzard VIPs.

Buck really suits his green silk shirt.

Buck, you don't need to swim, you're already MEGA built! If anything, you need to take a break, Buck! ...and spend more time with your number one fan!
I gave Buck a new hat .

I also updated his house . I felt bad he didn’t have a bed in his house. He now has a bed , a small kitchen for snacks and a workout room for when it rains.
I gave Buck a new hat .
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I also updated his house . I felt bad he didn’t have a bed in his house. He now has a bed , a small kitchen for snacks and a workout room for when it rains.
View attachment 514163
Buck looks amazing in his hat! I love when he blushes! His house looks great! Wow, even Mr. Nook dropped by! 😍