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Pie_Or_Die said:

whats this that just slipped out of my hand
thats a really cool sig
what are you talking about? I just want to be nice and make bul a sig, sheesh

Well,on the other hand, its true its kinda hard to read but, it looks cool


when i complimented the scrolling thing

ur not supposed to take it this far

+ all u did was slap the TP logo and used default text no gradient no belevel n emboss nothing....
i don't even know why you have to be rude! I mean really, is it nescessary to critisize me for everything i do? I mean really....if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Besides, this is to congradulate bul,not to critisize my sig(yes,i ageed to bambams topic of the critisize thing but please, do it in a appropiate topic)
that dosnt sound like forgetting it to me

and we all have to take some critizicm

ok i learned this once ok

this might help you 98% of all critizism is just crap
but theres always 2% of constructive critizism and ur supposed to use that to ur advantage

c in my shop when i asked if peeps liked the fire sig

i didnt want mommy ansers that its OK

but u told me that you only saw like 4 frames
so i use that to my advantage and if i make another fire sig ill make sure to make more frames

what im saying is the text is just plain

ok i mean if ur gunna do something like that where u didnt make ur own backround
then i mean the text is all you have to customize

c i appreciate critizism on my sigs so i know what to fix

maby some day you will learn to take critisizm
actually,this explained more

(BTW, i didn't see the forget it post,my bad)
i agree.

1. I do allow critisizem but if it gets too much,i snap

2. I mean yes, in my store i ant critisizem but when making somebody something don't say anything that has to do with critisize,it makes the person who made it look bad. Also, itwill make the person who is recieving the gift appreciate it less. Do you see what i mean?

i am angry ok

seriously when im like this i start flame wars ok i can be very very mean right now so best not push it