The Bull = 6000 Posts!

look these are the ONLY stores i have

JJRamone and PieOrDie's Sig/Banner/Avatar Shop
PoD's & JJ's Avatar/Sig shop

there is none that are alone
Pie_Or_Die said:
that dosnt sound like forgetting it to me

and we all have to take some critizicm

ok i learned this once ok

this might help you 98% of all critizism is just crap
but theres always 2% of constructive critizism and ur supposed to use that to ur advantage

c in my shop when i asked if peeps liked the fire sig

i didnt want mommy ansers that its OK

but u told me that you only saw like 4 frames
so i use that to my advantage and if i make another fire sig ill make sure to make more frames

what im saying is the text is just plain

ok i mean if ur gunna do something like that where u didnt make ur own backround
then i mean the text is all you have to customize

c i appreciate critizism on my sigs so i know what to fix

maby some day you will learn to take critisizm
notice i thanked u for the constructive critisizm
and btw when i get attatched to a forum

theres always one person who gets me angry enuf to start flaming and get banned

now u dont kno how hard im trying not to be mean

but its getting to that point
i can't believe you are getting mad over this, i am not, i am sitting here drinking cocacola and making sigs. i am alsp watching TV.

FYI, i have never been banned for 1 thing, and i will NOT,i repeat NOT,let this be my first.
im tired of this crap

you stole my gunbound account

i gave you paintshop pro and told u where u could find photoshop

and u still TREAT ME LIKE CRAP
you cant hide your past

you arnt trustworthy at all

id rather trust a person off the streat with my life savings than you

u think im being mean giving u constructive critisizm
im fixing to flip


hey,you rmb that dumb safe man wife thing? well, a robber(in our case,a hacker) could have gotten in. All they need to do is get the right equpment
o ya ya ya

i rmb that

this is how it went

there was a rich man
and he recently got married

the only person who knew the combination to the safe was him and his wife

he came home one day and the safe was empty

it is safe to assume the wife took it

i told u that when u friggin changed my e-mail adress for gunbound cuz when i was a high level you were planning to jack it

but i was smart and found out what u did