The City Folk Scouts!

nick1.2.3.4 said:
That's so wrong!
I asked for the spot first!
And scamming doesn't have anything to do with this!!!!!!
son of a.....
Remember, I will only let those with good rep into the group. I don't want hackers, scammers, or vandals joining and ruining everyone's fun. Don't be upset if you get rejected and don't flame the thread. I don't want it getting closed.

smasher said:
nick1.2.3.4 said:
That's so wrong!
I asked for the spot first!
And scamming doesn't have anything to do with this!!!!!!
son of a.....
He looks at your background, and judges you.
In the real world, it dosent matter "Who asks first". Its life.
Live with it.
For the record, I'm a girl. :p
Wow Me and Waluigi Were way late to this.
smasher said:
nick1.2.3.4 said:
That's so wrong!
I asked for the spot first!
And scamming doesn't have anything to do with this!!!!!!
son of a.....
He looks at your background, and judges you.
In the real world, it dosent matter "Who asks first". Its life.
Live with it.
You did a good job on explainging that !
Piranha325 said:
Hal said:
Wow Me and Waluigi Were way late to this.
I'm adding two co-leaders to help me out if you'd like to be one. I already PM'd Sean about it too. :p
Could i be i co-leader i think im preaty good at planning and geting things ready and taking control

you dont have to put me as one but im just sugesting i think im preaty good
Piranha325 said:
smasher said:
nick1.2.3.4 said:
That's so wrong!
I asked for the spot first!
And scamming doesn't have anything to do with this!!!!!!
son of a.....
He looks at your background, and judges you.
In the real world, it dosent matter "Who asks first". Its life.
Live with it.
For the record, I'm a girl. :p
lol i was judging u by your avatar, ash.
Sorry about that last post! :(
I have somthing to say i would highly recomend Sarah for a co-leader because she always will do anything you want she is trustworthy she is just an overal good person i could probaly say almost everone on TBT would agree with me well just a sugestion
Can i be co-leader plz? i can keep track on stuff very well. since im on like everyday XD Plan events and stuff. schedules. lol it'll be really fun ^_^
you dont have to pick me, i know theres still other people better then me :D
Piranha325 said:
If Waluigi rejects, only then will I consider one of you two to be a co-leader. ;)
Oh. Okayy!
Thanks for the opertounity (sp?). =)
Everyone check out my signature do you guys like it if you do i will past it on this thread if it is ok with you pirahna
Dylan said:
Everyone check out my signature do you guys like it if you do i will past it on this thread if it is ok with you pirahna
post the link think so you can add to your signature only people that is in the group can do it though