The CTRL + V Game

I just realized that too, also, it was this that tipped me off that this was the UK's national anthem and not Rule Britannia.

Um... this was from a conversation on another site. We were talking about God Save the Queen.
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Oh. My friends and I were taking a Hogwarts House quiz and making everyone have an existential crisis.
I tried extending the canvas horizontally. I ~~think~~ hope it worked.

Um... this was for a group project I did on another site. And in case anyone was wondering, yes it did work.

Ah, I was looking for my uni's socials after a teams meeting today. Very excited but nervous for this upcoming year!
ok ? I don't hate it first of all. It's. A smell. For sure. Actually I don't like it

This is my review of my new incense stick lolol