Cycling The Cycling town of Sanctum~ CLOSED/HIATUS <3

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Congrats Kellybear!! :3 Let's see if the dice roll in my favor with Phoebe~!! <3

Good luck to you, Pengu!

@Kellybear Gates are open.

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Congrats Kellybear!! :3 Let's see if the dice roll in my favor with Phoebe~!! <3

I'm going to try my best and get her out of my town today, and then I need Graham out of my town, and then I'm done with cycling.

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Samson the Jock Mouse has just moved in!
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She, btw, and yeah, you can since Daco's can give her to me. :)

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Whoo!! <3

Awesome! c:
I guess that marks the end of my cycling thread, Graham will show up eventually.
Thank you everyone for adopting my villagers :3

EDIT : You're all welcome to keep my friend code and visit my main town to hang out with me anytime! <3
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