The Dragon's Yuan

OddCrazyMe said:
Here is what to add to the menu bud.

lesser demon pie
Dragon Special
Frozen Wevryen Ice Cream

That's all I could find recently. :yes:
All right, now on the menu. We're getting quite a lot of good food. And, I think our competitions are weaking because of us. We will soon take over! :evillaugh:

Oh, and thanks Odd.

I guess I'll make some ramen for no apparent reason.

Well, since no one wants it, I haven't eaten ramen in 25 mins I guess I can have =).

*makes 100 bowls of ramen*

First customer gets 5 free bowls of ramen!
*Watchs News*

*Spits Out Ramen* ZOMG! It says there is a desiease in a plant grown ramen.

:eek: :barf:

*OCM Faints*
Koehler said:
Uh oh. *grabs a torch* The only choice is to burn it all.


Double Post! The PLA will get you for that!


We've come for Koehler...
OMG WHO BURNED ALL OF MY RAMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

I'M SO MAD! IT WASN'T DESEASED! RAMENEITHIELKABOBALOABOMBEY (no idea what I just said, it's a random name for a fake plant =D) YOU SHOULD WATCH THE WHOLE TV SHOW! NOT JUST A PART!!!!
Meh....*gets video camera and records Koehler's encounter to with the PLA Apple mafia*
I better ask em' bout the late delivery too.... :r
IslandGuy said:
Meh....*gets video camera and records Koehler's encounter to with the PLA Apple mafia*
I better ask em' bout the late delivery too.... :r
*waves at camera* Hey I'm on TV!

*grabs some sushi and sits down with Death Note 6 & 7*


Dude! These are good! It's a shame one of my fave characters died......OMG! Light is evil again! AND THEY KILLED L! HOW COULD THEY????
its a llama vs non-llama gladiator match, and the llamas always win!!! (o, I count as a llama when it comes to sports)
Cool...something special might happen on March 15th. :r
*polishes all the roman helmets* *puts one on* Me next! Me next! Me next!
Wow... is it just me or are alot of people on this board un-talented? I mean, there are a hell-lot of RPGs and not enough tales.