The Dragon's Yuan

*plays Brothers from FMA on the piano*

...Ok, the title is weird, but I think it a sad song.

*countinues playing with much emotion, as the cafe is filled with stirring music*
i am shure that everyone here remembers where they were when they found out...

i was at lunch, and after talking to what seemed like the only other kid who hadnt been picked up early, i asked a teacher y everyone had left. he said "you know the twin towers in newyork? well, theve been hit by planes, and colapsed." i had once visisted the WTC, but my parents hadn't let me go up. i was shocked that something so big could have been damaged at all. i remember coming home, sitting in front of the tv, and just staring in amazment as the news played the sean again and again. i will never forget that day... I cant believe that it has already been 5 years... I remember it like it hapened yesterday.
*Opens Door*

Hey everyone, sorry I was gone. I was getting groceries. We were running low on sage, rosemary, and thyme. Don't know why we need them, but they were on the list. :yes:

OBEY THE LIST!!! :evillaugh:

Oh, and I got a name color change. :gyroidgrin:
Much better. You are one step closer to being like me... and the rest of the sages. :gyroidsurprised: