The exciting thing about a world wide release is that...

With every new game there are people who get it way sooner. Stores have the games earlier ready and if you know someone from a store they give the game to you under the table :) Might try this as well xD

For example Kingdom hearts 3 people played a week before release... otherwise I would really like the concept of a worldwide animal crossing release :)
The best thing about a world wide release is the lack of spoilers! As well as the fact that some people won't have a huge head start! That makes me happy the most. Knowing that everyone will generally experience the game around the same exact time! (Well, save for Japan, Australia, and New Zealand who will technically get the game a whole day ahead due to those accursed timezones...) But what is one day for Animal Crossing, right? xD
yeah it?s kinda nice that we?re all getting it at the same time, but the thing that kinda sucks is that with new leaf, there wasn?t really any question about the gameplay since there was information available even months prior to the release, but since we?re all getting new horizons at the same time, we?re all kind of in the dark currently
But with New Horizons I'm really excited about not having any of that info from the get go. I'm looking forward to all of us figuring this out together.
Could not agree more! There were a million guides when I picked up New Leaf and it meant I felt compelled somehwat to play "correctly" or in an optimised way.

While I'm sure as time goes by I'll both figure out and pick up from fellow community members some of the better strategies/approaches to earning bells, etc., the joy of discovery will be there.

At least I hope... one thing I've noticed over the past few years is that publishers are just giving review sites a bunch of guide content to publish, so if you google the game the first two pages of results are endless "here's how to make the most money in XYZ"... what's hilarious is that each site has the exact same bullet-points/tips, and you can tell they've been told by their editors to hastily re-write the publisher's prose into the website's house style.

I means you can't google anything about the game without a high risk of a bunch of spoiler material popping up in the form of 'helpful content'.
what i'm most excited about is visiting people who live in the opposite hemispheres so i can experience the game's different seasons and events that way. :D