He looked at the silver plate for a phew seconds before looking around at the beautiful icing covered ground, he glanced around at some of the scaredy trivutes, but he had to admit he was scared to, the seconds finished.Daniel looked around at the other career tributes then ran into the Cornucopia, then he saw the District 12 male in his way and got a nearby kukris and killed him quickly with no hesitasion, after he grabbed a backpack, 1 water canister, a dagger and 7 throwable knives and a pack of matches, he was considering getting more but then thought the other careers have some stuff already, then quickly ran, out of the corner of his eyes and caught a glimpse of Silver, for once he felt safe, he nodded to her and started running towards her. On the way he saw a spear and decided to get it quickly, he looked around at the mess of blood everywhere, he felt slightly bad seeing at how many dead tributes there already was, cannons kept going off, one by one, it was unbelievable, he sighed in sorrow then snapped back into reality and started running quicker.
Rosalina felt a rush of excitement through her vains, personally at the moment she found this way better than District 12 could ever be, looking at the irony silver plate she wondered why these games were invented, then she looked up and saw the other tributes standing stirnly waiting for the seconds to stop, finally the number 0 came, she ran into Cornucopia and grabbed a bow and arrow, a backpack, a thermal jacket,1 water canister and a 4 throwing daggers, a match and a sword, she tried getting a spear but then saw the Male District 4 Tribute take the nearest one, she wasn't going to risk going back into the Cornucopia, she saw her fellow tribute falling to the ground but didn't care, these games were about protecting yourself, she quickly grabbed a final rope then went into the woods, she stopped then thought she grabbed way to much, but in these games, there is no to much, then she silently whispered to herself, let the 70th Hunger Games Begin... Then ran off into the thick woods.