Senior Member
Okay let me just say this and I'm sure I'm not the only one who struggled with this but I need to express something. The idea of putting season diys in Balloon Gifts only is a really bad idea. I mean seriously I spent the entire month looking for seasonal and mush diys but I could never find them. I asked my friends if they had it but they too were having the same issues. So I just said "screw it" and went on sites that do trading and asked anyone if they have any mush diys or seasonal diys they did. Sure I spent like hundreds of nook mile tickets but I had to do it because my insanity was just gone from me. This would not bother me so much if we can get seasonal DIYS from DIY Bottles and Villager Crafting. I am not sure who said you can get it from them but I find that hard to believe. I hope I'm not the only one thats feeling this way.