The idea of seasonal DIY's being in Balloon Gifts only is bad


Senior Member
Nov 22, 2020
Okay let me just say this and I'm sure I'm not the only one who struggled with this but I need to express something. The idea of putting season diys in Balloon Gifts only is a really bad idea. I mean seriously I spent the entire month looking for seasonal and mush diys but I could never find them. I asked my friends if they had it but they too were having the same issues. So I just said "screw it" and went on sites that do trading and asked anyone if they have any mush diys or seasonal diys they did. Sure I spent like hundreds of nook mile tickets but I had to do it because my insanity was just gone from me. This would not bother me so much if we can get seasonal DIYS from DIY Bottles and Villager Crafting. I am not sure who said you can get it from them but I find that hard to believe. I hope I'm not the only one thats feeling this way.
Yeah especially since you can get duplicates AND three different events going on at once. It’s ridiculous. Also for anyone that doesn’t know today is the last day you can get maple leaf DIYs I don’t see why there isn’t widespread panic going on on the forum.
Yeah especially since you can get duplicates AND three different events going on at once. It’s ridiculous. Also for anyone that doesn’t know today is the last day you can get maple leaf DIYs I don’t see why there isn’t widespread panic going on on the forum.
I know people say "Well just do the Balloon Farm Trick" but even that takes hours and hours to do and I already burned myself out from doing that method.
it's definitely frustrating if you want to craft everything :c
maybe they don't want us to get of all the diys too quickly? I've accepted that there might be a few recipes i have to wait until next year for
And not only does it take forever and you always miss recipes, they are the SEASONAL recipes, so the whole idea is that you have ten days to get all the Christmas recipes before actual Christmas takes place. It takes a month to collect fall recipes and then what happens? Winter! You don’t get to even start collecting until the brief window of time that was designed to aesthetically match those recipes has already begun. Why don’t we collect next season’s recipes this season or something like that?
Yeah especially since you can get duplicates AND three different events going on at once. It’s ridiculous. Also for anyone that doesn’t know today is the last day you can get maple leaf DIYs I don’t see why there isn’t widespread panic going on on the forum.

This isn't entirely true. You have a much higher chance of getting a unique, unknown seasonal DIY compared to getting a duplicate.

15% unique, 5% chance at duplicate. But yeah, autumn definitely has a lot of seasonal DIY overlap going on.
I agree it's a bad idea. I prefer learning new DIYS from my villagers and think they should always keep that as an option!
Thankfully I traded for most of the seasonal DIYS earlier this year. It was a little pricey but worth it to not be stressed out lol.
Whats the farm trick?
Its basically running back and forth around your beach where balloons frequently spawn it takes like 5 to 10 minutes for a balloon spawn and you need to hear the wind noise when you know a Balloon is coming. Again it still takes long to do that.
I have a friend who plays every day and hasn't found a single fall recipe. I came on here to find them for her. it's ridiculous tbh.
Yeah I wish they made it easy like getting the spooky DIYs or easter ones...
I had better chances getting the tree's bounty series. Any seasonal recipes after that I rarely get if not at all. Granted, I've never been actively on the lookout for balloons at the beaches. I usually just pop balloons as they come by while doing stuff around the island.
So far my thought process has been consistently : see a thread on the forum selling seasonal recipes --> try to get as much recipes as possible by myself to save on TBT--> give up eventually after noticing how scarce they are --> go back to the thread and ends up spending a lot of TBT on the recipes I haven't gotten yet which is like 90% of them lol
It would be nice to get them through bottles or villagers as well and not just the balloons. This was a big issue during Bunny Day, because at the same time there were cherry blossom DIYs and Bunny Day DIYs in the Northern Hemisphere. I don't know if the Southern Hemisphere had this issue with two seasonal items coming through. I just check the east or west coast of the island every four minutes. So a time like 7:04 am or 7:09 am, or 7:14 or 7:19 am. I've been successful at getting mush DIYs like this, but I still have a few more to get.
agreed! the only time that i attempted to obtain seasonal diys by myself was during cherry-blossom season and with how frustrating and gruelling it was, i’ve refrained from doing it again and instead took to just buying what i need from others ^^
Its basically running back and forth around your beach where balloons frequently spawn it takes like 5 to 10 minutes for a balloon spawn and you need to hear the wind noise when you know a Balloon is coming. Again it still takes long to do that.

If you are lucky with spawns. If unlucky a balloon may not spawn for 30 minutes. I usually did it while watch tv or something. Not exactly fun, but if you can multitask it isn't too much.
I think we should get them by collecting the materials, like when you pick up a gold nugget and your character comes up with the idea for the King Tut mask, or when you fish up recycling. You have to farm ingredients anyway, which are rare enough. And it makes sense for your character to think of things to make with acorns as they're picking up acorns. You'd still be exerting effort, but it wouldn't be so punishingly random.
Maybe in combination with balloons and villagers giving recipes, so they can be farmed by those who are inclined to do so.
It seemed much easier to get the first fall series (fall's bounty?) than the mushroom and maple series. Those were hard and required really searching for balloons rather than just popping the ones you happened to notice.