The idea of seasonal DIY's being in Balloon Gifts only is bad

This game mechanic is honestly just ruining the game for me and I just havenโ€™t participated in any events or even boot my game up since the summer ๐Ÿ™ƒ Iโ€™m a lazy bare minimum player :sleep::lemon:
I agree! I wish we could get seasonal DIYs from villagers or bottles, that would make it a little less harder... I spent just an hour farming for balloons two days ago and I was incredibly lucky to just get one mush DIY.
I have literally spent hours on Animal Crossing looking for Spring DIYโ€™s (it is spring in my country at the moment) and Iโ€™ve had no luck it seriously annoys me that when I see a balloon itโ€™s just bells or furniture items that I already have :( I just end up buying them here cause I am getting that annoyed.
It would be nice to get them through bottles or villagers as well and not just the balloons. This was a big issue during Bunny Day, because at the same time there were cherry blossom DIYs and Bunny Day DIYs in the Northern Hemisphere. I don't know if the Southern Hemisphere had this issue with two seasonal items coming through. I just check the east or west coast of the island every four minutes. So a time like 7:04 am or 7:09 am, or 7:14 or 7:19 am. I've been successful at getting mush DIYs like this, but I still have a few more to get.
I totally agree. Plus too many eggs XD
I've never had issues collecting the seasonal DIYs from balloons. I would always just pop balloons during normal gameplay and I'd have them all usually within a few days. Now when fall came, and I was getting evicted and had less time to play, I was finding it much much harder. I'm still missing some mushroom DIYs, and I even resorted to doing the balloon trick because I don't play enough to just pop balloons leisurely as I play to get them all anymore. It's been annoying. I think under normal circumstances, I wouldn't have been stressed at all or worried about missing any, but having a limited time to play now, I do find myself in a bit of a panic since I don't want to wait another year. I don't time travel, and I don't want to trade for seasonal recipes :( so hopefully I can get the rest soon. I think I only need 4 more.
Whenever I farm balloons I get a whole lot of trash
Whenever I just terraform for a few hours I get like 4 seasonal DIYs
I heard someone say that they only got one DIY per hour
Maybe that's why it's so grind-y
If you only pop one balloon an hour maybe it's better? Maybe it's not RNG?
I get it's meant to be a grind, but the RNG on a balloon spawning in the first place, on top of the โ‰ฅ20% chance of a DIY drop, adds up to a very not-fun grind.
In retrospect, I'm beyond relieved I got a jump on the Festive series way back in June because I'm going to be busy next month, and I don't think I could handle any more balloon farming after all this autumn mayhem.
I'm saying this as someone who was lucky enough to finish my autumn set and then stick it out for a friend! o_O

Just some ideas I'm putting out there for balloon adjustments:
-An old-fashioned Wisp mechanic for getting an uncatalogued item from the furniture/clothes, perhaps once they drop to 5%. I'm very sick of foreign-variant gold Simple Panels when I'm just missing the silver variant ๐Ÿ˜ญ
-No pine cone/acorn interference in November. Delegate them to villagers or the beach as a second chance by this point!

This has been a ramble by a tired balloon hunter. Happy Turkey Day to you all. ๐Ÿ˜ด
You are more likely to get DIYs on the first 10 balloons you pop. More than that, you're more likely to get clay, iron nuggets and gold.

Whenever a new season begins, I try to collect at least 2-3 DIYs a day. That way, I slowly collect them all.
I work full time so when I get home the last thing I want to do is chase balloons up and down the beach for hours on end. I haven't got a single mush DIY this whole month.
I didn't do too bad getting all the recipes from the balloons, but I do agree that having more sources would be a good thing.

You are more likely to get DIYs on the first 10 balloons you pop. More than that, you're more likely to get clay, iron nuggets and gold.

Whenever a new season begins, I try to collect at least 2-3 DIYs a day. That way, I slowly collect them all.
Isn't the rate of return still 15%, regardless of which number balloon you've shot down?
I like this mechanic because it keeps balloons useful & relevant, they were boring and skippable in previous games after a while. The balloon furniture in New Leaf was horrendous. :sneaky:
I agree. I wish there were other ways to access those DIYs in game. Balloons are too unreliable. I ended up buying the DIYs on here for tbt.
I don't get why the devs want to encourage us to just run up and down pointlessly for hours. That's not real gameplay, it's time wasting! Didn't the villagers in the old games tell you after a while that you should take a break? Well now they don't want us to ever have a break ๐Ÿ˜‚
I much prefer having something to work towards for the balloons.

Balloons are handled way better then they were in New Leaf.

Though I guess there could be more options as well.
I haven't gotten any of the mush or maple leaf diys other than what Isabelle gives. I am pretty fed up with this diy system. Yeah I get they don't want to make it too easy, but this grinding for peanuts is worse. I have a job already and don't need one in my GAME. I don't have that kind of time.
balloon hunting for diys really is the worst. and like half or more of the time you get clay or an ugly shirt instead. like, should it really take hours upon hours to find like 3 mush diys? so annoying
Completely agreed. Seasonal DIYs in balloons is one of the worst and most annoying aspects of RNG in the game. The possibility (and quite high chance) of getting duplicates rather than a guaranteed new seasonal DIY is the cherry on top lol
It's just Nintendo's way of trolling people who want everything instantly.