The idea of seasonal DIY's being in Balloon Gifts only is bad

I totally agree. Plus too many eggs XD
I don't know about everybody else, but I enjoyed Bunny Day. I just wish the DIYs for both seasonal items were better balanced or something. Having the cherry blossom DIYs would have been nice, but they weren't something I was going to use, so I'm not upset.
agreed. and those with limited timeframes to obtain them in make the process more frustrating when you're only getting mats/misc furniture and clothing. I was lucky enough to obtain the mush series relatively quickly but farming balloons is so tedious
Yeah I just gave up searching and traded for my diys. I didnt even know you could only get them from balloons for the longest time!! And really, how is one to know? Seasonal diys should be cycled into the villagers crafting pool so its possible you can get the diys from them as well!
Yeah I've given up searching on my own and just look up a list of all of them, pick the ones I want and then buying them online.
I only got two from balloons -- the forest floor and mushroom wand. Everything else I purchased here, with TBT.

I didn't have this much trouble getting the acorn DIYs either -- I managed to get all of those within a week or two. So I'm not sure what's up with this event... what I do know is I'm kind of sick of balloon grinding.
Honestly I never got all the mush and maple leaf DIYs. I really don’t like gathering them from balloons only. Several days I farmed balloons for hours and walked away with one or two a session. It kind of feels unfair that they do that, especially since it’s not consistent across all events. Even with time travel I doubt I’ll be able to go back and get everything I need without a huge amount of effort. As soon as I see “balloon” I’m cruising the forum to buy it from someone instead!! 😂
And not only does it take forever and you always miss recipes, they are the SEASONAL recipes, so the whole idea is that you have ten days to get all the Christmas recipes before actual Christmas takes place. It takes a month to collect fall recipes and then what happens? Winter! You don’t get to even start collecting until the brief window of time that was designed to aesthetically match those recipes has already begun. Why don’t we collect next season’s recipes this season or something like that?

100% this.

Those Halloween DIYs are great, but they're redundant as soon as the day itself passes. If I could've fully decorated my island in the weeks leading up to Halloween, that would've been really cool, but instead I had the pumpkin carriage out for a few hours, then put it in storage until next October!

It's the same with each season - so frustrating!
I'm missing some of them. Thinking about trading to get them, time travel and grind for balloons again or just wait for next year. I got the ones I wanted for decorating, anyway.
What? You dont have fun chasing after balloons all day? You dont want to camp at the beach, obsessively staring at the sky? You actually want to use these items to decorate your island for the occasion before it's practically over?
Hold on, I'll pass the note to the devs...

Seriously though, who thought this was okay? It makes no sense!
This isn't entirely true. You have a much higher chance of getting a unique, unknown seasonal DIY compared to getting a duplicate.

15% unique, 5% chance at duplicate. But yeah, autumn definitely has a lot of seasonal DIY overlap going on.
This is interesting! I wonder where you got this data? I'm relieved to see there's a lower chance of getting a duplicate, but I wonder how it counts duplicates - do you need to have learned the recipe, or have picked up the recipe? Would it be affected by purchasing a recipe from another player?

But, on the topic of the thread, I wish a DIY recipe would pop out of either a rock, tree, or fishing once a day. Some other way to get them would be great, especially seasonal ones. But at the same time, I enjoy the rarity! I don't want it to be too easy to get them.
This is interesting! I wonder where you got this data? I'm relieved to see there's a lower chance of getting a duplicate, but I wonder how it counts duplicates - do you need to have learned the recipe, or have picked up the recipe? Would it be affected by purchasing a recipe from another player?

But, on the topic of the thread, I wish a DIY recipe would pop out of either a rock, tree, or fishing once a day. Some other way to get them would be great, especially seasonal ones. But at the same time, I enjoy the rarity! I don't want it to be too easy to get them.

I made a thread a few days ago complaining about my terrible luck and someone put an image of data showing balloon contents and how they worked. I just relayed that information. XD
I know people say "Well just do the Balloon Farm Trick" but even that takes hours and hours to do and I already burned myself out from doing that method.

I agree. Also, I hate when I have to swim around for an hour to find a scallop to get Pascal to show up.
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I think I have all the mush, maple, pine cone, and acorn DIYs now but it took forever. Also, I haven't been seeing duplicates like I did for past seasons, so I haven't had any to give to friends.
I agree the balloon DIYs are bad, I also think the whole DIY system is flawed in general. I continue to get multiple duplicate DIYs a day from villagers and bottles when I am still missing around 100 DIYs, and that's after playing almost every day for 8 months.

Like the color locked furniture and Nook Miles items, it doesn't seem possible to get all the DIYs without trading, which is a bummer. If the game was going to be so insistent on trading, there should be some kind of in-game marketplace.
It's fine (mostly) for the ones that last the entire season, fall was the first time I had trouble due to the mushroom set taking up a whole month. The short ones are just bad.
Yep I’m done done done with the balloons, in all of Fall with all my farming I managed to get 2 Mushroom and 1 Maple leaf recipe. Gave up and bought all the missing ones and was much happier. Later that day I *finally* got another DIY from a balloon... and it was a duplicate of the one maple leaf recipe I already got. I was spared a mighty rage that day.
I'm getting some horrible flashbacks from the cherry-blossom event, where I spent hours over hours running around my island to find balloons and ending up getting only two DIYs, while also getting spammed by those dumb Bunny Day balloons the whole time. I was not able to get all cherry-blossom DIYs, even if I shoot down every single balloon I spotted. I fully agree that this way of obtaining DIYs is pretty frustrating, at some point I just buy the items rather than spending time on balloon hunting with little to no result whatsoever.

no, you're not alone, homie........

I utterly DESPISE the balloon DIYs with every ounce of my 111.7 pound being, with every atom in my body... it's just... WHAT THE HECK.

I literally only collected 2 mush DIYs and 1 maple leaf DIY.

If they want to implement the stupid crafting mechanics into the game, why the hell would they make it so damn hard?
Truly frustrating. Especially since each balloon can contain anything else other than a DIY recipe.
It's so exhausting, I honestly 100% wish we could get DIYs from bottles or villages. Having to take your chance on a balloon which can contain literally anything? It's disappointing and sad every time. They really need to fix this because why in the world did they think 3 seasonal events at once was a good idea? And why didn't they just put one month for one seasonal DIY? Also, for the entirety of the Halloween event, I didn't get a single seasonal DIY? It's so weird, I don't understand the logic behind any of it.