The idea of seasonal DIY's being in Balloon Gifts only is bad

I have gotten all the seasonal diys up to this point(and a friend gave me a few festive diys). I have bought many of them on here. I feel like the cherry blossom ones were a lot easier to get than the autumn diys. I really think diys should be obtainable from villagers/bottles. Balloon grinding sucks and I get easily frustrated with it which is why I end up buying them. Half the time the balloon doesn't show up and when it does it's usually junk not a diy. I have never been a fan of crafting in games to begin with and the ridiculousness of trying to get the diys just makes it worse. They really need to come up with a better system for this.
yes! i agree! I really like how spooky day was. you could farm balloons or you get the diys from your villagers. farming balloons tends to get really tedious really fast.
I didn’t find a SINGLE mush/fall DIY in my game, so I resorted to trading for all of them on the forum. I foresee this happening with the winter themed DIYs as well 🙃
I definitely agree. I think Nintendo underestimated the amount of people who only play the game an hour or so a day at best, mostly focusing on routine stuff like hitting the rocks and plucking weed. I don't have time to balloon hunt, I have a real-life job, man. This forum actually saved my life on that end a couple times already since I can just "buy" them with TBT and stuff but that shouldn't be something Nintendo takes into consideration, really.

What I would do is have the seasonal DIYs be purchasable with Nook Miles but, since they're meant to be really rare, have them cost a truck-load of Nook Miles. That way, you both make Nook Miles more useful (I don't know about others but I'm sitting at 300 000 Nook Miles and I legitimately have no use for them) and make obtaining the DIYs less of a pain.
My sister plays a lot, and she is still missing two mush recipes. The only reason I got them was because I balloon farmed a couple of hours each day, for three days. I didn't have time to really enjoy the game. I was just trying to get those recipes.

I don't like to time travel, but I decided to travel to snow and holiday times, so I could get those recipes, then time travel back, so I could enjoy December and not worry about balloons. I'm just missing a couple of festive recipes now, and the ones I got took a lot of time balloon farming.
I don't like to time travel, but I decided to travel to snow and holiday times, so I could get those recipes, then time travel back, so I could enjoy December and not worry about balloons. I'm just missing a couple of festive recipes now, and the ones I got took a lot of time balloon farming.
I'm planning on travelling ahead to get recipes too. I don't know why they decided to have them available only after the 15th? I really want to decorate my island for the holidays and not worry about running out of time during those few weeks.
Maybe I got lucky, but I didn't have any trouble. I work a full-time job and manage a house on my own, so I don't play for hours, but I still didn't stress over getting all the recipes/materials. I actually felt like balloons stepped up a bit during maple leaf season (although not to the horrific levels of Bunny Day).

I'll be looking forward to getting the winter items now. I tend to decorate more seasonally than holiday-specific, so that might help take some of the pressure off, for me.
The mush recipes were the first time I really had trouble getting them. I don't remember any of the other ones taking as long. Hoping the winter ones won't be the same way!
Even to this day they are still making Seasonal DIYS harder to get and its always in those stupid Balloon gifts. I mean seriously why can't we get them from Villager Crafting or DIY bottles? I don't know what they were thinking.
I got all the cherry blossom diys last year luckily. I am trying now to help my friend get the ones she's missing. I didn't realize that since I have them all I now only have a 5% chance to get a diy in a balloon. Why? Why drop it so low just because I already have them? I just want to help my friend and balloon grinding is annoying enough already.
I've been thinking the same thing. I had been hoping for my recently reset island to earn the cherry blossom recipes more easily but so far, I only have 4. I've played quite a lot on that island since April 1st.
It is getting very frustrating. I've popped about 30 balloons for the past 3 days and not a single cherry blossom recipe dropped. With this rate I'll never get all the recipes since I've only got 7 of them so far. I really want that pretty lantern DIY.
I agree! I haven't gotten a single cherry blossom diy. I've had to go online and buy them from people, which honestly is probably Nintendo's plan to get more online membership sales. I'm beginning to think that the cherry blossom diys don't exist in my town.
I wouldn't mind the seasonal DIYs only been available in balloons if every balloon I popped had a DIY in it during the season, at least until I'd collected all the DIYs. During the winter months I was fortunate with the balloons and managed to get a lot of the DIYs quite quickly but most other times, especially regarding the mushroom and cherry blossom ones, the balloons have nearly always held bells or furniture items. Farming balloons isn't really a fun pastime for me so if they're not going to greatly increase the drop rate of the DIYs in the balloons then they really need to add another way to get them.
For the first few seasonal diy events I tried to hunt them and get them all myself. But it got real old real fast. Balloon hunting is exhausting. I do like that the balloons offer different things instead of just the ugly balloon furniture that was in New leaf lol. But I wish seasonal DIYs had a higher spawn rate or something. Of that you could also get them from the beach or villagers.
I'm lucky if I encounter 1 or 2 balloons in an average play session, and for the past few days I've just gotten useless stuff from them. What's the point?? There's no way I'm grinding all over again like I did for the festive set!
I'm also in agreement seasonal DIYs being purely in balloons is a bad idea. I'm debating on whether I should set aside balloon hunting time or if I should do some online purchasing between other players. Either way it's annoying I can't just get them all through other gameplay methods besides balloon hunting.
I only got like two cherry blossom diys last year, didn't even know the others existed and was baffled when i found out how many there was.
I honestly feel like villagers should be able to give you them if you give them a certain amount of cherry blossoms. Limiting them to balloons is rather silly and the balloon spawn rate is not that high (it usually takes about 5-10 minutes for a new balloon to spawn) if we consider the fact that we likely miss plenty of them due to doing other activities or on the off-chance that you enter a building while balloon is floating around somewhere.

I think the DIY balloons should have a higher spawn rate than the likes of the material balloons or even money balloons, which I find to be the most common and redundant.