Hope this is the right place to ask, I just noticed my username is purple right now. Why? Do you only see your own username in colour or are there others?
The people that got nominated for the Easter egg decoration contest have pink usernames. And yes I can see yours is pink!
I think it changes from pink to purple, I really can’t tell.
So, the nominees names...
They're definitely changing between purple and pink with a tiny of purple right? I keep looking at them and at first I thought I was crazy but they really seem like they change colour.
can we bump brewster cafe threads?
I’m not going to discuss other members’ bans, but is it possible for sages to lose their sage status? If so, what could cause this?
As former staff and well-known members of the community, Sages are expected to set a good example for other users. The 'Sage' user title, coloured username, and the avatar extension are perks. If a Sage were to behave in a way that fails to set a good example for other users then, yes, they could lose these perks.
As former staff and well-known members of the community, Sages are expected to set a good example for other users. The 'Sage' user title, coloured username, and the avatar extension are perks. If a Sage were to behave in a way that fails to set a good example for other users then, yes, they could lose these perks.
Wait! If they purchased the avatar extension as mods, then they lose their sage status, does that mean you guys will confiscate the add-on from their inventory like how users can get their egg collectibles confiscated for giving out hints or answers?
I know that Sockhead lost his sage status. Not sure why, though I know he's been banned a few times recently, and I never bothered to ask because the staff likely wouldn't tell anything about it.
There is a sage status?
Other than leaving a negative rating is there any other action we can take against someone we think may be an Amiibo card scammer? Can we report them or ask that their account be suspended? Thank you for your help!
Please make a thread in Contact the Staff so that we can look into the issue. Only Jeremy, Justin, Oblivia, Laudine, and myself can see threads created in this board so please don't hesitate to provide as much evidence as possible.