The Internet's Worst Advice Column

Disguise yourself as a female mosquito to make them think they’re stinging one of their own kind.

How can drink iced coffee without looking basic?
Pack if with more than recommended
Surely nothing bad could come of it

How do I start liking something I don’t
stop surrounding yourself with things you enjoy, so whatever you don't like seems better

how can I teach my dog to dance?
Why would you? Force them on how to drive a car so you don't have to.

How do I make everyone agree that onions are the best vegetable?
Microwave all your sugary sweets and eat them all in one bite.

I have so much food. What can I do with the extras?
Ya got any stairs in your house? Try tumbling down them and break all the other parts of your body - that way, your legs won't feel as bad!

I wanna learn how to play that guitar solo in "Free Bird" one day. How the **** do I do it?
Learn how to play guitar, then listen to the music on loop and practice until you're able to play it.
How do I cook?
I'm going to teach you how to make some good ol' well-done steak.
First, take some meat out, a pan, and some matches.
Put the meat in the pan.
Light the match.
Throw the match in the pan with the meat.
Watch your meat cook, and enjoy some nice steak!
(pretty much set it on fire)

How do I swim?
Flap your arms vigorously so you get tired pretty quickly and sink.

My joycons are drifting on their own! How do I stop them?
Take the leak and add it to your stew. I heard you don't have the best food!

I don't have any bananas, what do I do?