Cycling ♡♛▲ ❝ The Island of Icaria, a FREE ADOPTION Cycle Town ❞ ▲♛♡ -A lots happenin'

Ah this is so cool, thanks for making this thread!! Could I lurk for Big Top, Chevre, and Fauna please? ^ ^
Updated to this point!

Bill still available!
I hope Bill finds a good home ^^

I'd like to update your lurker list and be taken off for... everything! I managed to find all those villagers ^-^ Thank you for everything and best of luck with your cycling town!
Can I have bill not a dreamie so if someone wants him as a dreamie later they can have him I'm just trying to full my town up and he's very cute
Absolutely Patypus! Thank you:) Sure Mayor London!

Guess who I saw while shopping today..


Keaton! O:


and Marcie!♥
Mini bump for you... just cuz I wanted to point out HOW ADORABLE BILL'S PHOTO QUOTE IS! Also the way you present the "happy ending" is the cutest thing ever!!

Hehe, thank you Patypus.♥

Bill still available! 20 more minutes on this cutie! Please contact me! He's so lovely.. ;w;
I'll add both of you.

Bill has been homed!♥

Hello again, may I please lurk for Lucky? :>

EDIT: I would also like to inform you that I have obtained Fang, Felicity, and Ribbot so you can update your lurker list~ Thank you!
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