Cycling ♡♛▲ ❝ The Island of Icaria, a FREE ADOPTION Cycle Town ❞ ▲♛♡ -A lots happenin'

sorry to bother you but you can take purrl off of the list for me too because i just got her!
Updated everything! ♥

Cousteau is still available!

15 more minutes on him or he will be voided!

I'd love to lurk for Diana, my final dreamie!

Also love your little notes and pics about the villagers you have/that are moving, seems like you really care about them which I love to see :D
@Rochelle: Added. ♥♥

Cousteau was voided. ;w; </3 The cycle continues!

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Willow the fashionista! ♥
Name: Willow
Species: Sheep
Gender: Female
Personality: Snooty
Birthday: November 26th
Catchphrase: "bo peep"
Photo Quote: "You can't fight your genes."


Willow is incredibly soft and mellow looking. She has a very tiny mouth, so it's absolutely adorable watching her talk to you- it doesn't move much! Haha! She is so beautiful, and I don't see her in other towns often. Amazing for sheep themed towns! And also for kawaii pink towns! Her colors are beautifully vibrant, similar to the bright yellow in Keaton's feathers! When she gets excited, her eyes turn a really bright green. (See pic above)

She's 100% original. She will be available for the next 2 hours & 40 minutes for pick-up today. ♥
(She will be voided at 4:00pm EST if no one claims her)

Thank you!

& Vladimir is moving in!
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Yes you may! Added you! I will TT to the day so that she is in boxes now, so please let me know when you can pick her up and I'll open my gates!

Yay thank you! I'll just be a few minutes, I'll add you now :) See you soon!
Willow has been homed. ♥ (Thanks Bulbamander for the pictures!)


LF: Dreamies!

I want Stitches, Rosie, Ankha, and Francine.

Thanks Simple!
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Thanks guys! I'll update asap!

Bill has moved in!

Rizzo the sneak. ♥

Name: Rizzo
Species: Mouse
Gender: Male
Personality: Cranky
Birthday: January 17th
Catchphrase: "squee"
Photo Quote: "Evil lurks everywhere."

(Note his shirt isn't original)

Rizzo has been pretty quiet in Icaria. He sort of keeps to himself. Loves to hunt bugs. He reminds me of a ninja. I think there's a lot of potential in this lovely mouse! I hope someone can see that and claims him. :3

He's 90% original. The only thing different is his shirt. He was talking with Willow one day and decided to take on her purple tartan print. :c He will be available today for pick-up, for the next hour!

Thank you!
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Updated and Rizzo voided!

Violet is moving in!
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Bill the adorable duck! ♥
Name: Bill
Species: Duck
Gender: Male
Personality: Jock
Birthday: February 1st
Catchphrase: "quacko"
Photo Quote: "Even though there's no 'I' in team, there is a 'me'!"


Bill has a very rustic, log-cabin-esque house! He is a delight around town, his resting face isn't angry or sad or worried.. he's just Bill! ♥ Truly a treasure to behold.

He's 100% original. He will be available today for pick-up, for the next 30 minutes! If not claimed I will still hold him tonight, I've done enough cycling for the day, I think. Plenty of movement has happened for one day. ^^ ♥

Thank you!

@Awesomeness1230: Would you be able to pick him up now?

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Violet's a dollface, omg. Why do people not like her? Idon'tgetsociety.