Cycling ♡♛▲ ❝ The Island of Icaria, a FREE ADOPTION Cycle Town ❞ ▲♛♡ -A lots happenin'

Added! ♥ Keaton still available!

Joey informs me of the news:

Aw Keaton.. Icaria will miss you so much, buddy<3

- - - Post Merge - - -

In other news, Daisy is in and has finished unpacking!

She's also heard a rumor about me.. .///.

Playing hide-and-seek with some gorgeous Icarian villagers on a lovely Saturday afternoon. ♥
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Alright guys everything is updated up to this point! Thank you for your patience! ♥


Keaton found a home with me in Araxos. (Yay, another happy ending!)

So expect a new move-in tomorrow as well as a new move-out!
This weekend has been very busy for me in real life, which explains why I've only got 2 villagers to move out so far. But I have a ton of time during the week, in the early hours of the days, so I will have a huge rush of villagers moving in and out very soon here! So PLEASE keep your eyes peeled for updates on this thread!
I will notify you lurkers, but please know that many of you are requesting the same villager or villagers as many others, and this is a first come, first serve service! Ex: Fauna moves in. I message the 4 users who are lurking for her. User #3 posts first on this thread, claiming her before the others. User #3 will get Fauna. Notice how you must POST ON THIS THREAD to get her, NOT message me back.

Sound fair, guys? Deal? Deal.

Have a lovely night, you all. ♥♥
@fruitful: adding you now!


Nononnononoooo. I made a little date mistake while time traveling and I lost Fang. ;~; <//3 I am so so soooo sorry, guys. I know how many of you were waiting for him. Augh... I feel so dumb. live and you learn, right? I'm sorry, everyone.

So uh, Katt moved in, in other news.. .///.' And I only have 8 villagers so be prepared for 2 new move-ins shortly!
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Cousteau the French. ♥

Name: Cousteau
Species: Frog
Gender: Male
Personality: Jock
Birthday: December 17th
Catchphrase: "oui oui"
Photo Quote: "Jump first; ask questions later."

Cousteau is hilarious. His mustache is incredibly comical and his head looks like cheese from the back! Haha. But in all seriousness, he is a wonderful villager. Perfect for a French-themed town, or a frog-filled village! He is a blast in town. Always finding ways to make me laugh. He constantly participates in games of hide-and-seek, and he's quite the sly fellow.


Lol. Hide game too strong.

He's 100% original. He will be available tomorrow for pick-up, and is available for claim all through tonight! Please get this French cutie while you can!

(I will post more pics and info about him tomorrow when I have my phone to take pics, it's charging atm and is upstairs and I'm a bit lazy right now, hehe.)

Thank you!

Also.. Shep just moved in!
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Lurking for Flurry+Diana+Fang+Sprinkles. Thank you. :)
; w ; i'd always see people do free cycling, but forever reason it feels like to me they've died down a bit
it's really nice to see people doing this for others uvu
thank you <3
i lost my copy of ACNL and trying to get t1 dreamies is much harder than i remember!

i'd like to lurk for these cuties pls *v* /
beau, marina, diana, genji, maple, bruce & chester (long list LOL)
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Hey thanks for letting me lurk for Diana, I recently got her so you can take me off the lurker list :)