The Jade Dagger - A Pirate Adventure [Roleplay]

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I shrug. "Life is never fair... She taught me that..." I close my eyes as a single tear falls. No. I can't cry over her. She's not worth it...
"I've been wanting some crab," I cough. "So I was going to go into town t'day and get some. "You gonna join?"

"Maybe later." I yawn.

"I'm still a bit tired."

I close my eyes and doze off again.

"G'night or mornin', love ya..."

( Bye c: )
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".... Hey." I say softly. "Everything's a-ok now, at least. Life has its up and downs, but there's always something good that comes with the bad."
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I push Leon away and walk out of the store; silently continuing to cry. I'm weak... I'll never be strong enough... No. People make me weak. I need to be by myself. It's for the best...

I sit on a bench to calm myself.

(*cough* Aphrodite, appear. *cough* )
I cover my face with my hands. ".... I thought you were in a relationship with someone...." I mumble. ".... I didn't want my own feelings to grow..."
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I push Leon away and walk out of the store; silently continuing to cry. I'm weak... I'll never be strong enough... No. People make me weak. I need to be by myself. It's for the best...

I sit on a bench to calm myself.

(*cough* Aphrodite, appear. *cough* )


Walking along the dock, Aphrodite was still wondering where Faye was. Was she kidnapped? Was she hurt? She hoped not. For some reason - in her eyes, Faye resembled her little sister. It's probably why she was so much nicer to her than everyone else in the crew..

Then she saw her.

"Faye!" Aphrodite walked over to Faye and began to say how much she made her worry - until she saw Faye's expression. "Are you alright?"
"... Sorry..."

I tighten my grip around the pillow.

God, this is embarrassing.

- - - Post Merge - - -

".... Well, that could've gone better."
I sigh.
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