The Jade Dagger - A Pirate Adventure [Roleplay]

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I meet her eyes. "I... I think so..." I blush slightly. I've never had someone care... this feels... different. A good different.


Aphrodite smiles and stands up. "Good! Are you going back to the ship?" She asked.
(I guess I will read back)

- - - Post Merge - - -


I had managed to pull the knife out my eye, making blood go everywhere. It hurts like hell... But I guess this can help me... I take a deep breath and use the bloody knife to cut off my ropes that held my legs to the walls. After getting free, I go to the cell door. I need to bust these down, then I am free. I wince at the pain in my eye, I pick up that eyepatch he gave me. Ouch, at least I am beating Scott on looking like a pirate now, he needs that peg leg haha!
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I stand up and stretch, coughing loudly. I take a bottle of rum from under my crate, and go into town with some gold in my hands.
(( #Ariott had round one :lemon:
I'll make Aria go out and find him idk))

I wake up in Scott's arms.

...... This is nice.

I slowly wriggle out from his embrace, taking care not to disturb him. I quickly get dressed and head out onto the deck.

(( Aria still has tons of bandages >_< ))
I find a fishing shack with several fishermen out front. Several giant crabs are in a nearby tank. I sneak behind the shack, reaching into the tank. I grab a claw, and run off, crab in hand.
(Pfffffft, screaming is for babies.)

I start to hit my weight against the cold bars in attempt to break them. Dammit, I'm trapped... What about if I tunnel my way out? No, that won't work, the ship will get a hole and sink. I'm screwed, what if they hear me and take my other eye?! AGH! WHAT DO I DO?! WHERE THE HELL ARE THE OTHERS?! DID THEY JUST LEAVE ME?! KYON, YOUR BROTHER NEEDS HELP, NOTICE ME IDIOT!
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