The Jade Dagger - A Pirate Adventure [Roleplay]

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I look down at my hands. "Nothing... really... I don't know..."
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(( Bye ))

I snuggle into Scott's chest.

A nap would be nice right now....

I slowly drift off to sleep.
I look down at my hands. "Nothing... really... I don't know..."


"You wouldn't be crying if that was the case."
Aphrodite sighed, sitting next to her on the bench.
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To buy something or to not buy something....
'Tis a dilemma

I quickly purchase a few articles of jewelry.

Alright, I'm ready to go.

"I don't know how to explain it though..." I sigh.


"I won't judge you. I might be able to relate - I've been through some travesties many times before too, you know.. just say what you're thinking."
(( bc I have HW ; - ;
/Laf almost screwed herself over on an essay today ))

(Then... get off the roleplay too. Don't make me punish you like I did tokay. ;3 )

- - - Post Merge - - -


"I won't judge you. I might be able to relate - I've been through some travesties many times before too, you know.. just say what you're thinking."

I take a deep breath. "I... I... kinda have some issues with working with other people... I blame my mother but I... I don't really know. She always taught me to work alone and I trusted her... until one day, she just left me." I sigh.
(Then... get off the roleplay too. Don't make me punish you like I did tokay. ;3 )

- - - Post Merge - - -

I take a deep breath. "I... I... kinda have some issues with working with other people... I blame my mother but I... I don't really know. She always taught me to work alone and I trusted her... until one day, she just left me." I sigh.


"I apologize, but I don't agree with your mother. Working alone has no benefits - sure, it gets the job done and you could do everything right - but when the time comes, and you need help, nobody will come. I used to believe the same. Based on your story I could tell nobody helped you when your mother left you.. my sister, in fact, left me, too. Except.. she's gone for good. I bet if you tried hard enough, you could find someone better than your mother - someone who cares about you or you could even find her again. I'll help you."
Aphrodite smiled.
"It hurt to leave the ship last time... but... they don't care... I barely got a thanks... I want to help someone and the only person I can help is myself... Is that selfish of me?" I sigh. "I feel like being around people just... hurts me more. I'm better off alone."
"It hurt to leave the ship last time... but... they don't care... I barely got a thanks... I want to help someone and the only person I can help is myself... Is that selfish of me?" I sigh. "I feel like being around people just... hurts me more. I'm better off alone."


"It will get better, I promise. But when you left, you probably already know this, but I was losing my mind. I didn't know where you were and my mind was set on trying to find you.. but I couldn't. I'm not sure if that really matters to you.. but I can't tell you how relieved I am to find you again."
(I'll tell you in chatzy. ;3 )

- - - Post Merge - - -

I bite my lip and glance at her. "... really?"


Aphrodite nodded. "I wouldn't say you're too far off the mark if you said I was crazy for worrying so much about someone I barely know. But I'm not losing someone else. Something tells me I should watch over you."
I meet her eyes. "I... I think so..." I blush slightly. I've never had someone care... this feels... different. A good different.
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