The Jade Dagger - A Pirate Adventure [Roleplay]

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I watch Holly as she climbs onto the main deck.

...... How long have I been here....?

My eyes widen as I catch a glimpse of a girl wearing a Kimono.

..... I used to have so many of those..... I struggle to stop my tears.

Biting my lip, I continue cleaning.
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I glance over at the crying girl. "No crying allowed."

I walk towards the edge of the ship and jump in the ocean.

(There's a loud splash.)

- - - Post Merge - - -

I sit on the edge of the ship; my legs dangling precariously. Just one jump... then I'll be able to swim in that mesmerizing water...

Biting my lip, I let myself fall forward...

(Again, loud splash.)
My eyes widen. "Hold up! Pregnant?!"

Nope. Nope. Nope.

I touch my stomach lightly.
..... What am I supposed to do?
I hold my head in my hands. "Oh dear. This is bad. Really bad."

If she's actually pregnant and Antonio finds her....
I raise an eyebrow. "What? I'm sure she and I can handle this, there's no need to freak out."
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I stay silent and continue cleaning.

Oh my god.

My eyes widen when a girl on another ship falls into the water.

Oh god...

I glance at Holly. Why is she red?!

- - - Post Merge - - -

"..... Be careful." I mumble. "Antonio— he's going to kill her if he finds her...."
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For the first few minutes, I'm able to keep myself afloat. Ah... this is nice...

I swim away from the ship towards the open water; enjoying the feel of the water on my bare skin.

The waves grow stronger and start to pull me down. I let out a blood-curdling scream before I'm pulled under the water...

I see a girl go under a bit away from me. I quickly swim towards her and dive under the water to pull her out. Once her head's above water, I can clearly see that it's Faye. Just the perfect thing to make my already great day even better. I smirk as I start to swim to the shoreline, while holding Faye.
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"..... Aria's fianc?. The crazy one." I stare at Scott. "..... If you can't handle the pressures of something like this, tell me now."
I bite my lip. ".....I've had plenty of men tell my sister 'I love you' only to drop her at the first sign of distress."

- - - Post Merge - - -

Oh god....

I mumble prayers for the girl.
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My eyes widen with fear.
"Crap.." I look away.
"I can't say I can save her, but I'm not going to leave her. That's just cruel."
I curl up on the bed with both my hands on my stomach.

- - - Post Merge - - -

"...... Are you willing to put your life on the line for her own?"
I set Faye on the ground of the main deck as I walk over to tell Mitchell the good news.

I walk in his room, panting, and say, "Hey, babe. Guess who I found."
"..... Yeah...?"

I frown at the noise. ...?

I grab a sword and head out onto the deck.

- - - Post Merge - - -

I watch the girl with fear in my eyes.
I pull my shirt down a bit at the collar, displaying my bandages.
"We were both captured and tortured, with designs cut into our skin while the other watched. Do you think I'd leave her now if I didn't leave her after that?"
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"...... I don't know." I stand up. "I'll go get Aria, since you guys need to plan your future or something."

- - - Post Merge - - -

..... ****. Faye.

I run onto the docks and slowly make my way over to Holly's ship.
I peer up at her through slitted eyes.

- - - Post Merge - - -

"..No, don't bother. I need some time by myself. Just go tell her what you were going to before I asked you about all this."
"..... Alright." I leave the room and head to the medical bay.

.... ****. She isn't here....

"Aria..?" I call out.
"I found that little ***** named Faye who helped the couple escaped. Let's hurt her. Hurt her really bad."
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