So-so. I slept in because sometime during the night there was a power outage and the clock reset. So I slept in till like 2pm, which lately has been my regular routine. Stay up till 3 or 4am, wake up at 1pm or 2pm the next day. Its NOT good!
I find when you cohabitate with someone (like my boyfriend and I, we have been living together for 3 years) moods tend to be contagious. My boyfriend was in a bad mood today. So I was in a bad mood today. I did my best to cheer him up, but it was like Murphy's law - if something CAN go wrong it WILL. We decided to go to McDonald's after Mass to treat ourselves because we have a lot of assignments and we don't feel like doing the mountain of dishes in our sink and cooking, and there was a HUGE line up of people, and they screwed up our order, and our food took FOREVER to come, it was really annoying and my boyfriend was super frustrated, so something I tried to do to ease his stress ended up being stressful.
And Church - Mass was, how can I put it, boring, I guess. I feel I didn't benefit from it. Both my boyfriend and I are active ministers in the Mass so we HAVE to be there because we run the place. But the priest is senile and his Homilies just sound like lectures and I get enough of that in the week at university. The priest before him, the pervious Campus Minister, was young, and ran all sorts of cool events for us students and related to us really well - this guy not so much. His homilies related to issues we could related to, real-world problems we experience and we always took something away from them. He was really tech savvy. I have him on Facebook still and he posts his Homilies on iTunes so I can still listen to them. But this current priest just.... UGH! Its KILLER! And what's worse is my boyfriend is equally if not more so annoyed by it because he is newer to the Church than I am because he doesn't feel like he fits in (he was only baptized a few years ago - before that he was not religious, his parents raised him "nothing" giving him the choice that wen he was an adult he could choose whatever religion he wanted and he chose to be Roman Catholic). He doesn't regret that choice, but going to church is like a chore for him, and I wish it wasn't. Its kinda feeling that way for me too. Participating in ministry is the only thing that is motivating me at this point to go.
My boyfriend is really stressed about a paper that is due tomorrow. And I am stressed about an assignment that is due on the 2nd. And my boyfriend is stressed about all the stuff he has to do to get into Grad School for late registration to get in for January (we only found out he could do this like a week ago) so he has been scrambling around getting letters of reference, transcripts, writing proposal letters, supplying samples of writing, all that good stuff, and its just a really stressful (but also SUPER exciting) time for both of us. We should find out this week if he got in.
Exams are around the corner. I have my study plan all set out and ready to go, its just a matter of sticking to it. Classes end on Wednesday so I will have more free time to study after that. But I gotta get CRACKIN'!
Thank you for asking how my day was so I can vent. It means a lot to know you care. You've asked before. So.... Thank you.
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Did you finish your NaNoWriMo?
YES! At 9:50pm tonight I finished at 50,510 words!!!!! So I went a bit above what a needed. But I got a cool certificate, and banner for my Facebook page, and I can get a T-Shirt too!
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What kind of music are you into?
I am REALLY into this Canadian artist from Montreal named David Usher. He is from the band, Moist, but his Independent music is SO BEAUTIFULLY POETIC its unreal, and if you REALLY listen to the lyrics it touches on issues I relate to like mental illness and suicide and depression, etc....
Lately I have been listening to his most recent independent album (that I have autographed!!!!) called "Songs From the Last Day on Earth". SO BEAUTIFUL. SO POETIC. I can't even begin to describe.... Google search it.
I have also seen him perform live once. I have his whole discography on my MP3 Player. XD