The KiloPatches Advice Column and Q&A Thread!

Needless to say, I will admit my ignorance when it comes to terminology. I know what a female dog is. But I don't think beating someone up over it is appropriate. Maybe.... calling someone.... the sound a hockey puck makes when it hits a swimming pool... but not a female dog.

I don't know what Vocaloid is or what Senpais are, I don't know what you were alluding to by "busy" or "thirsty", and I don't know what an ASB officer is....

What I DID get out of that is a LOT of drama. And gossip. And 12 year olds doing/involving themselves in mature things that they shouldn't be meddling with. Like nudity and sex. Its just inappropriate.

And I think you're family is right - this isn't the crowd for you. Its just a lot of gossip and drama and you don't need that. Regardless if I didn't understand the vocab.

I am not homophobic or against gays or lesbians, I enjoy going to gay clubs and bars actually than regular bars/clubs (I was really bummed out wen my favourite one closed down when the owner left). But I am against pre-teen experimental sex. Making choices at tender ages when their temporal and frontal lobes aren't quite developed and they make choices they regret later on. I didn't lose my virginity till I was 18, and I have only had one sexual partner (the person I am currently with). He lost his virginity to me too, and it was special for us to share that. And rare too, for 18/19 year olds to be virgins, granted we had boyfriends/girlfriends previously we just didn't sleep with them because we "didn't feel we were ready/mature enough". Not rare for some; his mom was 16 when she had is brother for instance.... it happens. People sleep around at young ages. Make mistakes. Start smoking. Start drinking. Do Drugs. Etc, etc....

Point is, you can't change other people. If you want my advice on this situation, I would stay out of it. Leave the drama and gossip alone. You don't need it. And its not your job to come to their aid to resolve their issues and bring them together.

Alright thanks for the advice!I really appreciate it.
Sorry. I guess I'm too pessimistic.. >.<

I'm stuck between two extremes: caring about other people and not caring about myself/being all suicidal/feelings of worthlessness OR loving myself and hating the world. It's a hard struggle and I can't seem to make a compromise... I'm always mad at someone... :/

You should. It's really deep and meaningful. I cried during the last episode. It stands for "Puella Magi Madoka Magica" btw.

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*sigh* Sorry for emptying out my problems here... >////<

No worries, if anyone, I am a pessimist too....

If ever you need to talk my inbox is always open, you know that *hugs*

I am just stuck in the extreme side of caring for everyone else BUT myself and the struggle of suicidal ideation/worthlessness that comes with that. Never the opposite. Sometimes I may feel more entitled than someone else or feel cheated out of a job, or something like that for unfair reasons like nepotism, but other than that I don't much care for myself. My boyfriend is the one that does all the caring for me.

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Alright thanks for the advice!I really appreciate it.

I know its probably not what you were hoping to hear, or even at all really that helpful, but I am glad you appreciate it nonetheless!
So in my town I have a HUGE area and its pretty long too so what should I put in it and space it?
I want it for the villagers any ideas?
So in my town I have a HUGE area and its pretty long too so what should I put in it and space it?
I want it for the villagers any ideas?

Maybe an orchard with QR paths and flowered arches?
Or a "campsite area" with a fire pit surrounded by stumps, a hammock, a picnic blanket, and pine trees?
Villagers sit on benches and comment on street lamps, so maybe make a little garden with a lamp, a bench, a drinking fountain, maybe a water fountain or a statue fountain.
There are LOTS of great PWPs. Try dreaming of some towns to get ideas. :)
How was your day?

I have been a bit stressed out and overwhelmed and anxious and arghhhh..... venting to Saylor a lot about it over PM.
I have been oversleeping from all of the stress. Behind in me Dreaming for the Dream Town Contest. I may have to extend the deadline.
I am worried about money..... I am worried about everything.....
I have been encouraging my boyfriend to go out and hang out with his friends so he has been doing that. I have been staying at home. Like tonight. Mostly because of the kidney pain.
This Christmas is going to be an awful one, I just know it.....
Ok, I'll do one! This is a good thread, and hopefully you get something out of it too :)

During college, I had a summer internship at one of the largest accounting firms in the world and had a negative, draining experience which left me biased against working in the corporate sector. Still, in 2011, I completed my Bachelor's in Accounting and Information Systems and entered one of the worst job markets ever. I got a professional certification to set myself apart and began freelancing very part-time (never more than 8 hours a week), had some odd consulting jobs, etc. Eventually, I ended up working for a small tax accounting firm, preparing and filing US taxes.

It was a tedious cubicle job, and though there were some aspects I could enjoy, I found myself taking many sick and half days just to cope with my crushing hopelessness. I dreaded going to work every day, coming in before it was light, leaving after the sun had set; particularly during busy season. I never took lunch breaks because it would only mean I would have to stay at work longer. I began making spreadsheets detailing my life expenses (student loan, car, etc) to see how long before I could quit and start my own tea shop (I know nothing about entrepreneurship, or owning a cafe, so it was mostly just a dream to keep me hopeful). I started obsessing about how much time I had on the weekends, feeling like any leisurely activity would take too much time and be too great an opportunity cost against OTHER leisurely things I also wasn't doing.

I saw a doctor while on company-sponsored health plan, who insinuated I seemed to have mild to moderate symptoms of depression and anxiety but just needed to get some exercise and a hobby that wasn't video games before spending the rest of our 40-minute appointment (that I paid for) discussing the details of how my family cares for my mentally-disabled half-brother (an area in which I have no influence). She referred me to her weekly support group for whining Millennials (my pessimistic take); and I decided it wasn't worth a $10 weekly co-pay to go each month (mind you, I was saving to quit my job ;) ) I cancelled our next and any subsequent appointment.

Alas, I never got to opportunity to quit my job. As soon as the US tax season was at its close, I and one other was let go. I never got a good reason, but I suspect it was because I didn't put enough hours in during the busy season (12 hours/day + weekends is typical) I began to collect unemployment (sigh, again), and poached a client to do very part-time work (less than 2 hours a week, again), but was otherwise living very comfortably, free from a job I hated and starting Summer, my favorite part of the year.

All of that to bring me back to today: Unemployment has run out without hope of extension, and by my back of the napkin calculation, I have maybe 3 or so months of cash to live on. During my 7 months on unemployment, I've had several job interviews with various professional service firms, but I always find myself goofing around in the interviews, or hoping they'll proceed with other candidates because truthfully I'm SO SO scared of going back to work, of feeling what I felt in my other jobs, of losing 8 hours a day + commute to do something I don't care about.

I don't think I'm just lazy. I don't mind doing work and I like helping people. I really like my freelance work, although the thought of going "somewhere" to "build my client base" or whatever makes me exhausted just thinking about it. After all, some days it's exhausting enough just to pull myself into the shower and wear real clothes (Makeup? Forget about it). Some days it's hard not to get super stressed out that I'm going to have to find a job (and quickly), and I beat myself for investing more time into something like Animal Crossing than I have invested in my own future.

I am wondering if maybe it would be best to take a part-time job in a low stress environment (like a chill coffee shop; to get some experience working in a cafe, if they'll hire me) to maybe slowly get re-acclimated to working life without losing all my free time (or living in a florescent-lit cube).

I...forgot what I was asking. Well, whatever, it was probably a good exercise to list out at least one of the things that has been bothering me in written words. Thanks for reading.
how fabulous do you think you are? ANSWER IT

On a scale from Shirley Markowitz (From the Producers)


to Carmen Ghia (from the Producers)


I am probably Dorian from Dragon Age Inquisition XD


I am not gay though, for the record.... I wasn't sure what you meant by "fabulous", but I assume gay. But Dorian, by far is the sexiest "fabulous" gay mage I have ever seen..... HAHAHAHA...... He is super Fabulous, especially in the armour I dressed him up in..... And his backstory is touching. Bioware, you did good. I'd romance him if I could, but he is gay, so obviously I can't and you later realize why.... I still flirt with him though XD I support any game that supports homosexual relationships, especially a touching story like Dorian's - but I won't spoil it for you. I want to be as Fab as Dorian. XD

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How Do you help "depressed" friends?

What's your favorite kind of music?

When you say "depressed" do you mean "emo" friends?

There was a thread a while back that reminded me of this....

In post #14 I respond. Part of my response had to do with suicide.

"I am currently taking [now since completed] Abnormal Psychology and to convey what we learn about suicide, there are 4 types of suicides:

1. Death Seekers: Clearly intend to end their lives at the time of death, but if they survive, the urge to end their life is fleeting and passes hours or days later, and may return again in time. (I fall into this category).

2. Death Initiators: Also clearly intend to end their lives but they act out on the belief that the process of death is already underway and they are simply hastening the process. Many terminally ill people or very elderly people fall into this category who only have a few weeks to live left.

3. Death Ignorers: Do not believe that self-inflicted injury or death will mean the end of their existence. They see their death as trading their present lives for a better or happier existence (ie: heaven). Many child suicides fall into this category because they don't know any better, or cult suicides.

4. Death Darers: Experience mixed feelings or ambivalence in their intent to die, even at the moment of their attempt, and they show this ambivalence in the act itself. Although to some degree they wish to die, their risk taking behaviour does not guarantee death.

A Subintentional Death is when a person plays a indirect, overt, partial or unconscious role in their own death with behaviour patterns of self-mutilation like cutting, burning, and banging one's head, and even medication mismanagement."

Are your depressed friends at risk of Subintentional Death? If so, you need to reach out to a school counsellor or even call 911 if they allude to the act of suicide. Suicide is no joke. I have attempted suicide many times. I told a friend I was going to attempt, he called the police, they stopped me, I was hospitalized for 7 weeks (your friend may not need that long, I needed a medication change, and it takes 6 weeks to observe results), I was mad at my friend for a little while but as I recovered and got better I realized he saved my life.... your friend will forgive you.

"Emo" culture is different entirely. Some stems from clinical depression and requires intervention, some is to attract attention, some is a cry for help. You can never know for sure. That's why its always good to go the medical intervention route just in case to prevent crisis.

And my favourite kind of music is World Music. Foreign Music. :)
just thought it's a good idea to bump your thread~
jk :p
:p I thought this died...

I have some questions for you:

1. I'm not exactly a "peppy" type of person. No, I'm not going to be one of those people and say I have extreme social anxiety where I just want to curl up and die. I don't like getting overly excited over small things, talking in a high voice towards people, or smiling 24/7. This has been sadly looked at as "being shy/having anxiety" which I do not have. I guess I'm rather "stoic" where I don't show emotion a lot or at all. But for a job, I have to go over the top excitement towards customers, always smiling...Annoying... But a recent fashion college person came to my class and explained that we need to act like ourselves all the time and not to let a job push us anywhere where you don't feel comfortable. Well that's fine but the week before, we had another person come in and tell us that we have to put away out stoic personalities and act the part. What do you think? Should I stay myself or sacrifice some comfort to get a career?

2. 1. I don't really know what I want to do when I "grow up". I'm actually in high school (everyone on here thinks I'm a strapping young college goer) and I'm nervous when it comes to college. I've thought about going to community college and just doing general studies. My "goal" for my life was to become a veterinarian. I've had experience in school because my campus has a farm on it. I have studied farm animals mostly. I took a course in Animal Health Care this year and I have interned at an animal hospital. I've kinda been thinking where the idea of "vet" came from but when I was younger, my mom kinda pushed me in a medical career because, you know, Asian parents. Then she told me dad and sister that's what I was doing and they kinda went "yeah, okay" and I don't remember having a say in it. I kinda went with it because I do like animals...but so does everyone else... I don't think I can become a veterinarian. Like a stated above, my personality isn't 100% I'M SO GLAD TO SEE YOU. We actually have rules at my office where we must talk to customers like we talk to dogs or babies. I hate it. But even if I decide to not become this vet, what would I do? How do you find which direction to go? I kinda feel I've wasted a large portion of my life going for something I've been expected to go towards.

3. Do you have any tips on how to learn a new language? I've heard of Pimsleur and Rosetta Stone. The problem with RS is that it's limited. There isn't Norwegian on there, lol. Pimsleur I just downloaded and I haven't tried it out. I'm 100% sure I'm not going to be able to learn fluent Norwegian from this or any language for that matter.

4. I can't roll my r's. Can you?
The check engine light in my car is on and I drive 50 miles a day, mostly freeways. I checked the owners' manual and there's loads of WORSE lights that could be on.... but I'm still really freaked out by cars in general. And oh my god. This is NOT the week for my car to blow up.

It's not even my car. The title is in my Dad's name, and he's out of town on business, so I can't even take it to a shop. Not like. Not that I could even afford to. I work two minimum wage jobs and go to university hahahhh I am coasting on fumes and free pizza

Just... can I have someone tell me my car isn't going to blow up. Someone just say "queertactics, your car is not going to blow up"
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The check engine light in my car is on and I drive 50 miles a day, mostly freeways. I checked the owners' manual and there's loads of WORSE lights that could be on.... but I'm still really freaked out by cars in general. And oh my god. This is NOT the week for my car to blow up.

It's not even my car. The title is in my Dad's name, and he's out of town on business, so I can't even take it to a shop. Not like. Not that I could even afford to. I work two minimum wage jobs and go to university hahahhh I am coasting on fumes and free pizza

Just... can I have someone tell me my car isn't going to blow up. Someone just say "queertactics, your car is not going to blow up"

queertactics, your car is not going to blow up

it's going to evaporate
The check engine light in my car is on and I drive 50 miles a day, mostly freeways. I checked the owners' manual and there's loads of WORSE lights that could be on.... but I'm still really freaked out by cars in general. And oh my god. This is NOT the week for my car to blow up.

It's not even my car. The title is in my Dad's name, and he's out of town on business, so I can't even take it to a shop. Not like. Not that I could even afford to. I work two minimum wage jobs and go to university hahahhh I am coasting on fumes and free pizza

Just... can I have someone tell me my car isn't going to blow up. Someone just say "queertactics, your car is not going to blow up"

the check engine light was on in my last car literally from the time I bought it until the day of it's demise (almost a three-year span), so don't worry your car is not going to explode

and before you think mine did, the frame actually broke (that thing was rotten as hell) so it's death had nothing to do with the engine coincidentally

a check engine light could mean many things, so obviously it is a reason to eventually take it to the garage to determine what the problem is, but the chances of your car exploding are pretty slim. most likely it's just something minor like a plug, wire, or sensor needing to be replaced.

so try not to stress too much! c:

also @KiloPatches;

How old were you when you started your courses/study? I'm just curious because I'm 20 and still have no clue what I want to take, even though I'd love to go back to school. I don't feel like I'm coming any closer to a conclusion, so I guess I'm just interested in when people went back to school if they didn't straight out of high school.
the check engine light was on in my last car literally from the time I bought it until the day of it's demise (almost a three-year span), so don't worry your car is not going to explode

and before you think mine did, the frame actually broke (that thing was rotten as hell) so it's death had nothing to do with the engine coincidentally

a check engine light could mean many things, so obviously it is a reason to eventually take it to the garage to determine what the problem is, but the chances of your car exploding are pretty slim. most likely it's just something minor like a plug, wire, or sensor needing to be replaced.

so try not to stress too much! c:

also @KiloPatches;

How old were you when you started your courses/study? I'm just curious because I'm 20 and still have no clue what I want to take, even though I'd love to go back to school. I don't feel like I'm coming any closer to a conclusion, so I guess I'm just interested in when people went back to school if they didn't straight out of high school.

Thank you for taking that question, as I have no idea about cars.... I don't drive, even though I am 24.... I have my pilot's licence but not my driver's licence... go figure.... XD

I was 18 when I started university (technically 17, but only for like 15 days lol - my birthday is on the 23rd of September). I don't feel its ever too late to go back to school. Many of my peers and colleagues in first year were in their 30s (some in their 40s and 50s even!). I once lectured for a 2nd year class were there was a man with a PhD sitting in as a pupil that I had to grade as any ordinary student who was like 80 years old.... he came back to take another degree, so its never too late to better yourself and e the plunge with your education. I would go to the Academic Advising centre of your university of choice and see what they have to say and contact Registrar's. See what the requirements are to get in. Maybe attend a few university fairs if you can. Just know its never too late :) Plenty of people I know apply years after graduating high school, and sometimes its wise. Some choose to work to save money so they don't have to get a student loan. To each their own, I guess. Because I am stuck with a $52,000 debt right now as it stands. XD (that is only growing because I want a Masters a PhD and need loans for that too). But I wouldn't have it any other way to be honest. My education is important to me. If its important to you as well, know you can apply when you feel ready, whenever that may be :)
:p I thought this died...

I have some questions for you:

1. I'm not exactly a "peppy" type of person. No, I'm not going to be one of those people and say I have extreme social anxiety where I just want to curl up and die. I don't like getting overly excited over small things, talking in a high voice towards people, or smiling 24/7. This has been sadly looked at as "being shy/having anxiety" which I do not have. I guess I'm rather "stoic" where I don't show emotion a lot or at all. But for a job, I have to go over the top excitement towards customers, always smiling...Annoying... But a recent fashion college person came to my class and explained that we need to act like ourselves all the time and not to let a job push us anywhere where you don't feel comfortable. Well that's fine but the week before, we had another person come in and tell us that we have to put away out stoic personalities and act the part. What do you think? Should I stay myself or sacrifice some comfort to get a career?

Perhaps consider finding a career that fits your personality better. I am all for never changing who you are or sacrificing who you are to please others. There are plenty of careers that don't require a peppy attitude. Retail is definitely not your thing. But IT or a call centre might be worth considering if you can handle the stress. It all depends. What about Ambulance services? Sure, a smile may help an injured person "feel" better, but a peppy attitude isn't a job requirement. You need to save a person's life and that's that. Its always good to have a positive attitude for interviews and such, but for career choices, what you bring to the table is being yourself, or else you will feel miserable.

2. 1. I don't really know what I want to do when I "grow up". I'm actually in high school (everyone on here thinks I'm a strapping young college goer) and I'm nervous when it comes to college. I've thought about going to community college and just doing general studies. My "goal" for my life was to become a veterinarian. I've had experience in school because my campus has a farm on it. I have studied farm animals mostly. I took a course in Animal Health Care this year and I have interned at an animal hospital. I've kinda been thinking where the idea of "vet" came from but when I was younger, my mom kinda pushed me in a medical career because, you know, Asian parents. Then she told me dad and sister that's what I was doing and they kinda went "yeah, okay" and I don't remember having a say in it. I kinda went with it because I do like animals...but so does everyone else... I don't think I can become a veterinarian. Like a stated above, my personality isn't 100% I'M SO GLAD TO SEE YOU. We actually have rules at my office where we must talk to customers like we talk to dogs or babies. I hate it. But even if I decide to not become this vet, what would I do? How do you find which direction to go? I kinda feel I've wasted a large portion of my life going for something I've been expected to go towards.

I say follow your dreams. Becoming a vet seems like a great career choice for someone like you, especially if you like working with animals and helping them makes you happy. I will warn you though, its not an easy task. Veterinary school is hard work. So your parents will be or should be proud. I once thought I would be a fighter pilot and then I got glasses and was devastated. Then I thought I would go to a Military College and was rejected because I didn't pass the medical exam, even though my grades were stellar, my physical fitness was top notch and my aptitude test marks were some of the best. So I had to settle for a civilian university. *shrugs*. Life takes you down strange paths sometimes. If it weren't for that, I wouldn't have met Dustin, my current boyfriend of 6 years. I may have met someone else, sure, and I don't necessarily believe in soul mates. But I am kind of happy things played out the way they did, for a variety of reasons, that I don't really need to list. Follow your heart. If things don't work out, try something else out. I first majored in International Relations and hated it. Poli Sci sucks. To me at least. But I loved History. The history courses I was taking intrigued me so much I changed my major in March of my first year. Then a couple years later I double majored in Psych. Its never too late to explore new options and opportunities.

3. Do you have any tips on how to learn a new language? I've heard of Pimsleur and Rosetta Stone. The problem with RS is that it's limited. There isn't Norwegian on there, lol. Pimsleur I just downloaded and I haven't tried it out. I'm 100% sure I'm not going to be able to learn fluent Norwegian from this or any language for that matter.

Personally, I would take an intensive course, like at university, if its offered. Or travel to that country and live there for a while. It will catch on. That's what I have heard. I took Intensive German and it was INTENSE! 4 days a week, 12 hours a week, double credit, 8:30am, man.... it was NUTS! But I learned it. And took it both semesters.

4. I can't roll my r's. Can you?
Yes. :) I am Canadian, so you may not get this reference, But "Rrrrrroll up the Rrrrrim to Win!"

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How's your day going? :3

It only just started, so I may have to get back to you on this one. But its going okay.
I woke up earlier than usual, after staying up till 5am playing Dragon Age.
The plan was to go to the university with Dustin to drop off his letter of acceptance into the Masters Program and sign his GA contract and then go to my doctor's appointment then take the bus to meet a "friend" whom I haven't seen in almost a year who I kinda sorta maybe had a falling out with and want to patch things up with and get closure with. We offered our spare bedroom to him a year ago, free room and board and he abandoned us without a trace. Never spoke to us again. I found him on Facebook and messaged him and we agreed to get together today. I hope it goes well..... Also, if I can find one, I might get a Yoshi 3DS XL, now that I have money. I have been wanting one forever, if I can find it. If not I will order one online.
The check engine light in my car is on and I drive 50 miles a day, mostly freeways. I checked the owners' manual and there's loads of WORSE lights that could be on.... but I'm still really freaked out by cars in general. And oh my god. This is NOT the week for my car to blow up.

It's not even my car. The title is in my Dad's name, and he's out of town on business, so I can't even take it to a shop. Not like. Not that I could even afford to. I work two minimum wage jobs and go to university hahahhh I am coasting on fumes and free pizza

Just... can I have someone tell me my car isn't going to blow up. Someone just say "queertactics, your car is not going to blow up"

Queertactics, how many miles do you have on your car? If you just passed recommended service mileage (usually a round, nice number like 30k or 120k), the check engine light may have come on because you are due for an oil change or service. Oil changes are cheap, usually less than $30 (Don't fall for the scam about the filters tho; they're always trying to get you to change your stupid filters before it's time). Check the owner's manual/internet for your vehicle to see how often the car manufacturer recommends you do it.

Also, please Google how to check your oil. I was positively awful about doing this with my old POS car, and it eventually died (actually not as a result of my negligence though). If you need more oil, the little sticker on your windshield should tell you what weight of oil to put in your car, go to an auto store (or Walmart or something), and get yourself a $5 quart of oil until dear old dad comes home :)

Also, you don't have to have the car in your name to take it to a shop. Most shops are happy to take your money; they're not going to look at the title and tell you you can't get your car serviced. :)

Also, did Kilo miss my sad little novel? ;_; (j/k, it's no big deal)
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