~ Nintendo Nerd ~
Hello! Do you have the Shamrock Wand DIY available?
Hello! I'll PM youHi! Can I get virgo fragments and a rattan armchair and end table in white please?
Hello! I can get you thisHello! Do you have the Shamrock Wand DIY available?
Hello there! All sounds great to me, sending PM nowWhen you have time, could I order 4 stacks of softwood?
Although I know you generally use a separate thread for IGB-TBT trading, for the sake of keeping the order all in one place, could I also order 12mil igb too?
That would put my order at 25tbt, I believe. :3
Message me at your convenience! ^-^ Thanks in advance!
Hello there! Certainly can! I'll send a PM nowHi! Could I order the following DIYs please?If it’s possible could I also preorder a stack each of pine cones and Aries fragments if that’s okay? I think everything comes to 78 TBT but let me know if I’ve miscalculated!
Angled signpost
Nova light
Crescent moon chair
Hyacinth lamp
Pine bonsai tree
Iron shelf
Aries rocking chair
Tiny library
Tree branch wreath
Shell partition
Street piano
Timber doorplate
Iron hanger stand
Candy is the material you get from the Halloween eventWhat is candy