The Master of Disguise

I was 2 for 4, so I guess I should’ve participated more. Plus, I would’ve gotten more correct since I always pick the dog if there is a dog.
This was a fun one :) I looked forward to doing it each day. I ended up getting 4 in a row at the end! These were my guesses :) thanks Chris for hosting.


Getting 5/13 is good, but getting four in a row is so impressive! 😍

I got none of them right, and I just needed 1 gg to afford the spectral preserves... T_T
You really did fool me, Master of Disguise. Well played.
Here's to hoping for a community fave somewhere. 🙏

Did you enter all 13?! The probability of getting 0/13 was only 5.5%! Those villagers are very sneaky.
1/12 here.

Sadly I somehow missed Round 13 and I would surely pick Vic. Oh well.
I ended up getting 4/11.

I say that because I missed the chance to play rounds 1 and 8, I think..? Or 9 I can't remember and I don't wanna check. XD

Either way, winning 4 times gave me 52 extra energy vs the 11 I lost costing me 22 energy. At the end of the day it was still profitable and got me 8 extra ghostly gold =33
I only participated in 5, but got 3/5 right! I guess all my luck went to this event rather than getting any rainbow candies 🤣
This was very fun! I really enjoyed this and would love to see this event make a comeback!
I got 4/13 correct :)
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