The Multi Millionaire's Club

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nephewjack said:
JasonBurrows said:
Attention, we're having a little bit of fun here within the Staff ranks, please vote for one of these Staff Members of MMC who you think is cooler and who you like more.
Who in the world thought nooky13 would even have a chance?
this is... hilarious... nooky13 is about the... worst member ever on tbt (please don't turn this into flaming guys...)
I really do respect nooky13 a lot, but I wish he'd not ask so many questions, he's an alright person when you get to know him. :)

nephewjack said:
Who in the world thought nooky13 would even have a chance?

Remember, it's just a bit of fun.
What rank would you like?

MMC Ranks said:
Green Member- 450 TBT Bells
Blue Member- 800 TBT Bells
Yellow Member- 1.200 TBT Bells
Bronze Member- 1.800 TBT Bells
Silver Member- 2.000 TBT Bells
Gold Member- 2.500 TBT Bells
Platinum Member- 3.200 TBT Bells
VIP Member- 3.800 TBT Bells
Supreme Member- 4.250 TBT Bells
Supreme VIP Member- 9.900 TBT Bells
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