? The Next Update

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I read it might add ceiling furniture and villager visits.

I'm actually very very excited for both these things, I really miss villagers having more liveliness to them and them wanting to randomly visit you is a pretty cool addition, specially if it brings new dialogue options! And ceiling furniture is something I really would like to see come back from HHD, I think having ceiling stuff can really improve a room

We need tables and sofas, food, etc, all the NL items before ceiling stuff, as you can't sit on a ceiling fan, or decorate your island with it. :(

I actually agree with this too, though; I really wish they brought back all of the NL items that are gone, I'm missing a lot of my favourite stuff, but honestly, I don't see any of that coming just yet; maybe later they'll add those into an update, doesn't seem too far-fetched either
I read it might add ceiling furniture and villager visits.

I don't want either.
I don't know, villager visits and vice-verse would give me something else to do when playing the game.

Hey, where did you read that?
I'd love to see what else the article says.
It's actually a datamine, a really old one, from like last year. Could be a fake one though.

Edit: I found it; https://mypotatogames.com/animal-cr...villager-house-visits-ceiling-items-and-more/
If ceiling furniture is added and we can view the ceiling (why?), I can only imagine what kind of custom designs people would place up there, lol.
Seriously. How many times are we going to pan the camera up to look at the ceiling. Or will it just look like a faded out furniture piece floating at the top (so it doesn't hide the floor level stuff)

I doubt they would even add that many fans in the beginning to make it worth even decorating.
Seriously. How many times are we going to pan the camera up to look at the ceiling. Or will it just look like a faded out furniture piece floating at the top (so it doesn't hide the floor level stuff)

I doubt they would even add that many fans in the beginning to make it worth even decorating.
I quite like the ceiling furniture, there were some fun items in HDD. If you go into design mode in your house, looking at the walls/hanging wall items shows the ceiling too now. I think it was like that from the most recent update so hopefully that means we're getting ceiling stuff soon.
I quite like the ceiling furniture, there were some fun items in HDD. If you go into design mode in your house, looking at the walls/hanging wall items shows the ceiling too now. I think it was like that from the most recent update so hopefully that means we're getting ceiling stuff soon.
Was it never like that before? I haven't really decorated any room in a while.
I think the ceiling furniture sounds fun.

I still think the islands need some sort of central social spot (like a coffee house or club LOL), but it might be pretty fun to let us decorate some sort of neutral building too.
Every day I wake up hoping that a trailer has been dropped. 😑

My update sensors are saying Tuesday now (but I’ve been wrong multiple times before so, lol).

As for the date mining being discussed: I like the idea of ceiling furniture but it’s definitely not my top priority. I’d love more items overall but specially more outdoor items (I’m still hoping they’ll add the bus stop from NL which was so incredibly cute).

I’d love for villagers to visit as they did before :)
Well, we're running out of time... When they said late January, they meant laaaaaate January lol. More than anything else I wish we could hang wall items on the sides of cliffs. But I doubt that'll ever happen. >.<

Not counting the weekends, were only 2 says in. If we were to split a month into 3 parts, it would look like this

Early: 1-10
Mid: 11-20
Late: 21-30/31
Tuesday's have traditionally been the day's where ACNH trailers have dropped so I'm expecting Tuesday if not tomorrow.

The update definitely won't be just Pave content. Pretty much every Holiday update we've received has some additional new features and what not. I'd be content with villager visits and ceiling furniture this update if they do decide to launch those this month. We get Mario items in March so that will likely come with a smaller update of it's own most likely. Assuming we get new content every other month or so, I'll be satisfied I suppose.
Bring on Kapp'n, Tortimer, mini games, and the always-in-summer island. I'd also accept a functional Game Cube or DS so we can play OG AC and/or WW.

The airport suspiciously has 8 individual seats, very similar to the 4 seats Tortimer's island had in New Leaf. I'm still wondering if the Dodo's will manage mini games if we ever get them.
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