? The Next Update

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I know many, many people want Gyroids in this game, I know I do, but, thinking about it, if you know what they are used for in real life, it would not make sense for them to be found on what was previously a deserted island.
However I am pretty sure that Nintendo will be able to find a way to make them make sense.
I know many, many people want Gyroids in this game, I know I do, but, thinking about it, if you know what they are used for in real life, it would not make sense for them to be found on what was previously a deserted island.
However I am pretty sure that Nintendo will be able to find a way to make them make sense.
I reckon they're craftable (especially since clay is in the game) and the DIYs might be obtainable from Brewster.
Maybe if you work for him in NL then he can give you a DIY, although I guess that's not the best reward for some people
I know many, many people want Gyroids in this game, I know I do, but, thinking about it, if you know what they are used for in real life, it would not make sense for them to be found on what was previously a deserted island.
However I am pretty sure that Nintendo will be able to find a way to make them make sense.

I love gyroids. I can see them coming back and having Brewster telling you about them and how they can often be found after it rains. Maybe you’ll get very ominous dialogue from villagers like “ooh maybe this wasn’t a deserted island after all”. I don’t think a lot of people know what they represent.
Was it never like that before? I haven't really decorated any room in a while.
I could be wrong but when I went to decorate after the turkey day update, I remember being surprised to see a ceiling. I could be wrong, as I don't decorate too often, but I don't remember seeing it before then. It sort of stuck out because it's just a sort of pale wood. Of course I could be completely wrong and it's a texture glitch or something, I just knew that ceiling stuff had been datamined and I put two and two together.
Eta wow maybe I could be wrong 😅
I know many, many people want Gyroids in this game, I know I do, but, thinking about it, if you know what they are used for in real life, it would not make sense for them to be found on what was previously a deserted island.
However I am pretty sure that Nintendo will be able to find a way to make them make sense.

Not everyone would agree with this idea, but one way they could do is to make gyroids exclusive to mystery islands. BUT remove the rain/snow spawn mechanic. That way they could utilize the Nook Miles and tickets more.
I think ceiling furniture sounds good although there are many other things that I would prioritize over that. Villagers visiting sounds interesting. I'm not in my house very often though, unless I'm changing the decor, so it could be kind of annoying if they come by and interrupt that. We'll see, I guess.
The ceiling furniture rumor makes me wonder... would they introduce a shop upgrade that would sell that furniture? Or would it just be sold at one of the usual furniture spots at Nook’s Cranny?
I saw many people mentioning in this thread Nintendo's YouTube channel and a private video which would pop up in the case of an announcement. Can someone please explain which particular Nintendo channel and playlist as well as around which time (or how many hours before) said private video would show up normally if there would be a possible announcement soon? 'Cause I would like to check it out on my own, as I'm start to get curious about it.
I saw many people mentioning in this thread Nintendo's YouTube channel and a private video which would pop up in the case of an announcement. Can someone please explain which particular Nintendo channel and playlist as well as around which time (or how many hours before) said private video would show up normally if there would be a possible announcement soon? 'Cause I would like to check it out on my own, as I'm start to get curious about it.
From what I understand, the trailers show up 30 min. before the trailers drop (3 PM CET, so the private video should show up around 2:30 PM CET) in one (or both?) of the official playlists here and here. I didn't realize it was a thing until people started mentioning it here, though, so someone correct me if I'm wrong.
From what I understand, the trailers show up 30 min. before the trailers drop (3 PM CET, so the private video should show up around 2:30 PM CET) in one (or both?) of the official playlists here and here. I didn't realize it was a thing until people started mentioning it here, though, so someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Yes thats correct. Around that time is when the private vid drops
Will today be the day?!
Maybe? I mean, January is almost over, they have time till Friday to drop the announcement as well as the update itself (since Nintendo doesn't release anything on weekends) to keep their "Late January" promise. If it's not today then it has to be tomorrow.
My bet is tomorrow. I just dont feel em releasin it on a monday. They did release it on a friday once but my gut tells me its tomorrow
As Sweetley mentioned, they have to release both the trailer and the update this week, since next Monday is the 1st. Since there's always been at least a day between the trailer and the update, assuming they stick to that, the latest they could release the trailer is Wednesday with the update dropping on Friday.

That being said, I'd also bet on tomorrow, just because more often than not, they've released the trailer on Tuesday with the update on Thursday.
As Sweetley mentioned, they have to release both the trailer and the update this week, since next Monday is the 1st. Since there's always been at least a day between the trailer and the update, assuming they stick to that, the latest they could release the trailer is Wednesday with the update dropping on Friday.

That being said, I'd also bet on tomorrow, just because more often than not, they've released the trailer on Tuesday with the update on Thursday.
Kinda interesting how they wrote next update "scheduled" late january while all the others say available. Small observation but idk
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